Chapter 39

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Astrid's pov.

"Fucking alarm" I whine as I turn it off and I get out of bed to see Laura sleeping on the couch. It's good to have her back, but the feeling from last night is still there, more faint, but still there, just like I didn't change anything. I decide to ignore it and go on with my day. I feed Grace and Chaos and I start to make breakfast. I start with making the coffee, then with making some warm sandwiches with cheese and ham, basic.

"Morning" I hear a sleepy Laura yawning while sitting down at the table.

"Good morning to you too" I say and I put two sandwiches in front of her among with a cup of coffee."I'm gonna get dressed then I'll head to work. Feel yourself at home, stay for how long you want, there's steak from yesterday in the fridge and bread in the cupboard if you want. If you don't find something, call me." I say and I get a friendly smile from her.

I go into the bathroom to do my routine and than in my room and I pick a pair of black cargo pants and an off white blouse which was half tucked in pants. It's the begging of august so it's kinda warm outside so I decide not to take a coat or something like that. I do my makeup, mascara and some dark brown lipstick and I'm done. I put on my watch, some earrings, then I put my phone and some money in my pants pockets and I'm good to go.

"I'm leaving" I yell as I take my Audi keys and exit the house. I get in the car and I start driving while humming the songs from the radio. I stop at the traffic light and I smile at the view of an old man with a small girl dancing around him with a pink balloon in her hand.'That seems nice' I smile to myself and I press the gas pedal and I go straight to work. I park the car and I enter the building.

"McCall" my colleagues say and I nod at them in sign of salute.

"As!" I hear my brother shouting across the room.

"Hi Raf!" I say while making my way to my desk with him next to me

"How are you? You know, about yesterday and all?..." he asks hesitating.

"Raf, I'm fine, I told you even yesterday that I didn't need a day off, I'm fine" I laughed a little at his concern.

"I know... but you're still my little sister and I just want you to be safe"

"I appreciate the concern" I say as I put my car keys on the desk, next to my coffee and the house keys "but it's really not necessary to be afraid that something might happen to me, I'm fine Raf" I said and I have him a slight punch, receiving a smile from him.

"Female McCall!" I hear my boss yelling and I roll my eyes.

"Here, you can call me Astrid, you know, right?" I say joke fully and I go to his office. "Need something boss?" My boss is in his late 30's, younger than my brother and he's actually really nice. Beside the fact that he likes to piss me off by calling me 'Female McCall' because my brother is the famous 'Agent McCall' he's quite a nice person. We are friends outside the building, but when we are working, he is a true boss, treating everyone with the proper level of respect.

"Actually yes, I have a case for you" he said and he hands me a file full of papers. "You'll find all the informations we have about it inside the envelope. I'd like for you to go to the crime scene and see if you can connect some dots, if you find out something new, feel free to tell me"


"Oh and Astrid?" he adds looking at me with his dark brown eyes.


"I'm gonna continue to call you Female McCall, even if you like it or not" he said playful with a wink.

I just scroff and I go to my desk to open the file. "Stefany Herma" I whisper to myself and I take a first look at the pictures. She was beautiful. "17, lived in San Francisco"I continue reading and something suspicious comes behind my eyes. "Cause of death ... : animal attack" I take a deeper look into the file at the family members than at the friends and her proprieties when I see it, she recently moved to Beacon Hills. 'Statements, statements...' I look at her family's ones but nothing comes right away, pages full of literally nothing useful. That's what I hate about statements, people are always sooo dramatic, jeez. I look at her best friend's one, holy shit, 3 full pages. I start to think that is a waste of time reading it but since nothing else is useful, here I go. 'She started saying that she has some weird dreams about a forest, she was acting strange about it, she was always kinda strange, but that's why I like hanging out...liked hanging out with her. She was reserved, sometimes even volcanic you could say, once a month but I always assumed that it was your period, you know? But one day, I remember it, it was on Halloween and she had this werewolf costume, it felt so real, even her eyes were glowing. It was just a costume, of course, but it looked so real. Anyways, I don't know how this all happened to her...' It was all I needed. She was a werewolf and someone took her down. I need to go back there to make my research and I need to go there now. I rush to my boss's office.

"Boss, I'm gonna go for an investigation and for some new information about the victim "

"Whatever you need McCall, tell me what you find, I count on you" my boss says looking at me though his black curly hair and then I exit the building.

I hop in my car and I drive home, only to find that Laura left. She probably went to meet with Derek or something, right? I change my sneakers and I take some botts and a 'Police' thin coat and my FBI badge then I hop in my car again and destination... San Francisco .

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