Chapter 10

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Peter's pov.

I wanted to kiss her so bad, her green mesmerising eyes were looking into mine all the way into my soul. She was different from other girls, she was independent, brave and never refused a fight. She was untouchable by any man and I liked the challenge. She wasn't that kind of girl that plays hard to get, she was actually hard to get and I was lucky to be this close to her. I put my hand on her cheek and I moved closer to her.

Raven's pov.

I took a look in the fridge and I started to make a list of things that we needed to buy. Milk, eggs, chocolate, butter, more chocolate, maybe some strawberrys, why not? oh and not to forget, chocolate.

I walked into Astrid's room. "As, do you want something from the shop?" I asked while opening the door. 'SHE HAS A GUY OVER, OH SHIT!' "umm, was I interrupting something?" of course I was.

"Oh actually y -" the guy started speaking.

"No, Peter was just leaving, right Peter?" she said while giving him innocent eyes.

"Right..." he said slightly disappointed but then As gave him a kiss on the cheek and he started smiling. "Right, bye sweetheart!" he said with a wink and left.

I waited till he closed the appointment's door then I turned to face As but she was already looking at me.

"Don't you dare -" she started

"Is he your secret boyfriend or something? don't be mad at me but he's hot, like hot hot, like lava hot, you know?" damn that man was straight out of the magazines.

"That, Ray, was Peter Hale and no, he is not my boyfriend " she said and my jaw just dropped.

"Peter Hale like in That Peter Hale! The Peter Hale that is 6 years older than us? that was captain of the basketball team? THAT PETER HALE?"

"Yes Ray, now, if you don't mind, let's make that grocery list" she said like it wasn't a big deal. 'Party popper'.

<in the evening>

Astrid's pov.

I walked towards my closet and I picked the clothes for tomorrow's funeral. I put them on the desk's chair and I put one Peter's hoodie and some leggings.

"Ray, I'm going out!" I yelled as I exist the apparent.

I didn't care where I was heading, I just wanted to breath. I went to the woods and I sat on the wet grass while I was looking at the stars when I suddenly heard something in the bushes. 'I swear if it's another snake...'

But when I looked closer I saw a baby coyote. It was scared and started growling at me but eventually it saw that I wasn't a threat. It came closer but when I looked into its eyes they seemed more like human. 'it is just in your imagination Astrid, nothing to worry about' I said to myself while I stood up and went to the Hale house. I needed to check on Derek.

I entered the house and I went straight to his room. A sad Derek was lying on the bed with tears down his cheeks.

"Hey" I said walking over wiping his tears.

"How do you do this?" he asked me looking straight into my soul.

"do what?" I asked slowly.

"How do you not get attached to anyone or anything? How do you always stay so calm and how do you know what to do all the time?" he said as new tears started running down his cheeks.

"I do get attached, but in the same time I learned how to act like nothing happened. Belive me Derek, she meant a lot to me too and it hurts me so much that she had to go through that pain, I wish things could be different, but it's nobody's fault..."

"it is, it's my fault, if I wasn't so selfish, she would still be alive" he said and he began to cry harder. My heart was breaking from seeing him like this.

"it's not your fault" I said making him look at me "you thought that this would be better for her, you had the right intentions, but she couldn't be like us. I wish I could bring her back, I really do, but I can't" I said looking into that eyes full of tears. "Get some rest" I said with a small smile in the corner of my mouth. "Goodnight buddy" I said as I wanted to close the door.


"yeah bud?"

"thank you" he said with a faint smile.

"anytime buddy, I'll always be here for you, now get some sleep" I said and I closed his door.

I went to Peter's room to see him already sleeping. He was adorable. I silently went to his bed and kissed his cheek.

"Good night Peter" I said leaving the room, meeting Talia in the hallway.

"Astrid" she said with a sad voice.

"uh hi Talia, the boys are sleeping"

"Thanks, I owe you, Derek haven't stopped crying since yesterday and you came in with that fairy dust of yours and convinced him to go to sleep, thank you Astrid, so much" she said hugging me as I was hugging her back.

"Always Talia, after all you did to me, this doesn't even count" I said with a small voice.

"and I don't know what you did to Peter, but let's say he's more... not sassy than usual" she said with a slight laugh.

I didn't know what to say and I smiled at her and 5 minutes later I went home to take a shower and go straight to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a hell of a day.

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