{43} How to Catch a Gang Pt. 2

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**3rd person's POV

It must have already been a few hours since [m/n] had woken up and nothing had happened. Ruka had shown up and dropped packaged onigiri for [m/n]—which obviously shocked him.

He heated it up with his quirk and nervously chewed on the onigiri. And that was at least 3, maybe 4 hours ago. [m/n] wasn't sure anymore, his concept of time was already warped.

"Hey... What time is it?" [m/n] whispered, hoping that they'd be able to pick up his voice

"Almost 4pm" Sugulite's voice spoke

"These guys sure are taking their sweet time" [m/n] scoffed humourlessly

He leaned back against the wall and started recounting the various stains on the ceiling. Another hour had gone by before the door was swung open

"Oi brat." [m/n] looked up to see Shin glaring down at him from the top of the stairs. "Get your ass over here." [m/n] gulped and stood up from the ground.

"Alright, kiddo this is it" Sugulite's voice was calm and quiet, he heard more commotion than usual from their end when Sugulite had turned on the mic but he just ignored it.

He followed Shin out the basement and out from the back of the building towards the car where he saw Kris with a sly smirk on his lips as his fingers tugged on Ruka's belt buckle. Ruka was glaring at Kris but he made no move to push Kris's hands away from him.

"If you fuck on my car I'll shoot both of you." Shin grumbled as he unlocked the car and entered into the drivers seat.

"Shotgun!" Kris yelled and slipped into the front passenger seat of the car. [m/n] briefly made eye contact with Ruka, he flinched and looked away.

Out of the three of them this guys scared me the most...

[m/n] slipped into the back seat of the car and Ruka got in after him then shut the door. His knees bounced, his eyes shot around the car, he chewed down on his bottom, and fiddled with his fingers.

"Don't look so nervous Reo-chan" Kris giggled "if you impress our boss you'll get to live and if not... well let's not think about that"

[m/n] gulped and chuckled nervously.

"I'm honestly shocked the boss agreed to this" Shin grunted

"Like you said, she needs a new boy toy" Kris shrugged as he checked himself out in the side mirror "and it's the first time someone offered themselves up."

I didn't exactly offer myself off like that but go off I guess

"Most people just choose to die so the boss must find Reo-chan hilarious" Kris chuckled


The drive was long, or [m/n] thought it was long, the more they drove the lower his stomach sank and sicker he felt. The only thing that kept him sane during that suffocating drive was Sugulite regularly speaking to him.

Telling him 'remain calm', 'remember to breathe', 'don't worry we're with you'

That really helped, it reminded him that he wasn't alone and he wasn't in any immediate danger.

They drove into an underground parking lot and the sudden plunge to darkness only added to [m/n]'s anxieties. When Shin parked the car, they all stepped out and [m/n] hurried to hop out of the vehicle as well.

He panicked when Kris starting coming towards him.


[m/n] felt a leather collar around his throat and a metal hand cuff around his wrist

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