{25} Blue Flames

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I was hella bored and decided to draw [m/n] and Midoriya during the training camp (I don't really like it, but whatever, fuck it) Anyways, this is the outfit that [m/n]'s wearing, to me this is his kinda style. Babies~ uwu 

Anyways Enjoy~

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Anyways Enjoy~

**[m/n]'s POV

"What the hell?" I muttered under my breathe "m-maybe Katsuki or Icy Hot accidentally set of their quirks" I chuckled nervously "I better go made sure those idiots are ok" I started walking towards the direction where the smoke was being emitted from, I gradually picked up my pace and began to see the fire burning the trees and bush. huh...These flames are blue...? "that's new..."

I rushed over to one of the trees that was on fire But I can put them out! I put my hand on the fire and for the first time in a long time the fire actually burnt my hand. I immediately jolted back from the shock of the burning pain.

"Ow!?" I stared at my hands in shock, my brow furrowed, watching as my palms reddened from the fire. Why...?

That's when Manadalay's telepathy came in.

We're being attacked by two villains. It's possible that there are more! Everyone who can move get back to camp immediately. Even if you come across the enemy retreat and do not engage!

"No way... no way" I rushed and put both of my hands on the blue flames flame on! I shot out some of my fire to overpower the blue one and once it was all red and orange I distinguished it. Tears came out from the corner of my eyes due to the burn of the fire and the intense pain coursing through my whole arm. "Shit!" I pulled back and clutched my hands together. "Damn it! Why now!? Why am I so useless now of all time!?" I looked at my hands again, they were bright red and I could even see a few places were the skin would begin to peel. I had barely managed to take out such a small flame and it already hurt me this much... I need to head back to camp... "fuck... whose fire is this even?"


All the colour left my face, my eyes widened, my heart stopped, my body froze, goosebumps formed all over my skin, and my stomach turned inside out.

I slowly turned my head to the right and was met with piercing blue eyes that sent a huge wave of fear to my core. It was villain, he was tall with pitch black hair and had these gruesome scars along his jaw down to his collar, under his eyes, and on his arms.

He was slowly walking towards me, with his left hands lit on fire and the flames were blue, just like the ones on the trees. This guy is definitely different from the ones at USJ...

"W-Why are you here!?" I took steps back the same time he took steps forward.

"Now why would I tell you that?" he smirked before sending a large blast of flames my way, it happened so fast I barely had time to dodge it and he was already firing another one to me. I put both of my hands up and blasted my flames to intersect his so they would cancel each other out.

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