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I'm home now after work. The whole drive home I blasted my music and sang my heart out. Usually that puts me in a better mood, but my head was in another place.

His beautiful eyes, his sultry voice, his lips that looked so soft.

He's on my mind.


"Jennie? You home?" I yell as I enter my little apartment.

"In my room!" I hear a muffled voice from afar.

Walking into her room I throw myself on the bed, my exhaustion finally catching up with me.

"Long day?" She asks while flicking through a magazine. I respond with an unidentifiable mumble of words.

"Ah." She says, already understanding how I feel. I remember all the gossip I have to tell my best friend all of a sudden and re gain a shot of energy.

"So much to tell you!" I state, turning to face her. " THE Kim Taehyung came to the cafe and gave me his card." I exclaim, with a squeal.

"Omg! The one you fancy?" Jennie seems equally as thrilled as me.


"Why did he give you his card?"she asks, eager to hear more.
"If I wanted a job modelling for him!" I beam.

Her jaw drops. "That's amazing! What are you going to do? Call him?"

I shrugged.

For some reason my stomach filled with butterflies recalling our meeting at the cafe. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I don't remember the last time I felt like this.

I almost fell back into a trance at the thought of working alongside him.

I peered out the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass.

A wave of guilt drowned the butterflies.

"I don't know how Sam will take it." I sigh. Jennie dramatically rolled her eyes.

"If he was good to you, he would support you."

I nod.

"He treats you like shit Lara. You are holding back from this amazing opportunity for a dickhead who can't even pick up the phone to his girlfriend, let alone see you."

Jennie sees the fallen look on my face and squeezes my arm reassuringly.

"You don't need to think about this tonight. me and Noah are going out for dinner, wanna come with?"

I smile. "No don't worry I don't want to crash your cute date. Thanks though."

It had been months since Sam took me out on a date.

"you sure?"

I only nod.


My room is a pit. I decide it's time to clean. I begin with clearing dirty clothes off the floor and putting on a washing machine. Then continuing clearing up random mess.

"Laraaaaaa" Jennie sings as she waltzes into my room looking like a movie star after getting ready.

"Hey! You look all cute n' hot. Are you about to go?" Envying her slightly as I look so crusty in my sweats and a bubble face mask.

"Yep. Noah's picking me up in 5. We're going to have some fancy sushi or something."

"Ugh yum" I groan with hunger.

Jennies phone rang as we were laughing at a Tik tok I showed her.
"Hi are you outside?-ok-I'm coming now-ok- love you!"

She seems happy. "Bye babe see you later!"

"Eat a California roll for me!" I yell to her as she exits my room.


My phone pings.

Hey babe sorry I didn't answer the phone, me and the guys were hanging out.

Why didn't you come into work today?

It's not that big of a deal. you were there

You are literally the boss. I was a bit late today, and if Jimin didn't come in early the cafe wouldn't have opened.

God calm down Lara, and why were you late?! Don't know if you know but that's bad for the business

No, being a shit boss is bad for the business.

Don't speak to me like that you bitch.

You are disgusting calling your own girlfriend a bitch.

Ill speak to you how I want.

I'm not talking to you about this anymore.

Me neither you're pissing me off.


I throw my phone away from me and forcefully punch my pillow in frustration.

My room feels so quiet.

I break the silence and let out a small sob, hugging my knees into my chest, letting myself cry. How many times will I let him treat me like this?

I sob harder.

Reaching for my phone I go to call Jennie, but stop myself. She's on a date with her boyfriend she loves, having a great time, I won't ruin that for her. Instead I wipe off my tears and take a few deep breaths.

If this is how angry he gets from me being slightly late, how angry would he be if I called Kim taehyung and quit the shitty cafe job?


The card is placed on my bed side table calling my name. I so badly wish to dial the number which could turn my life around, but I don't want to seem too eager.

Calling the same day seems a tad too soon, too eager. Although I wish to hear his mesmerising voice once more.

I reach for the card but bat my hand away. I'll call after work tomorrow, there's no rush in the slightest.

For now, I can cry.

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