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"We are almost there don't worry." Taehyung chuckles in response to my whining hunger.

I grin and look at his perfect features. I could live solely off the sight of him. His chiselled jaw and soft nose. The crease by his eyes from when he smiles so purely. I didn't think someone so beautiful could ever be mine.

The sun has been put to sleep now and the city lights took charge of brightening our surroundings. We pull up to an elegant restaurant and my mouth parts when I lay eyes on it. When we get out of the car, with his hand still in his pocket, Taehyung juts out his elbow, and I intertwine my arm with his.

When walking into the restaurant together, a waiter instantly leads us to our table and I thank him. Taehyung steps in front of me and almost made me trip. But before I could say a snappy remark he only pulls out my chair for me.

A smile pulls up my face and I sit, a tornado of butterflies in my stomach. We are aside a high glass wall, the enchanting view of Seoul glistening onto us two.

"This is perfect Tae." I exclaim in complete awe, admiring the captivating view.
"You're perfect." He says with a smirk and I look back at him, scoffing at the cheesy line but still letting it hold some value.

Once the waiter has taken our order, we are simply chatting happily together, not a care in the world except each other. We could talk endlessly about anything, as all we care about is that we are together, holding each other's sentiment for one another.

Our food arrives swiftly and I couldn't be happier, the great grumbles in my stomach almost being louder than my thanks to the waiter. We both tuck into our food straight away.

Part of me regrets only getting chicken and salad when I stare into the chips laying angelically on Taehyungs dish. He picks up on my yearning and places a big bunch of them on my plate and acts nothing of it. He just continues eating and looking at me lovingly.

While we are casually talking, our feet inch closer together until my ankle meets his. I brush my leg aside his and smile deviously. I can tell he got startled as he cleared his throat and his cheeks flushed fuchsia.

"So Noah seems like a good guy, how are things with him and Jennie?" Taehyung asks before taking another big bite.

I think over my friends relationship, remembering how sweet the pair are together. "Yeah he and Jennie have been going on a year and a bit and they are still just as crazy about each other." I enjoy talking about them, because it's a subject that's never brought me sorrow. Taehyung smiles.

"That's great. I thought he seemed really nice when we met." He nods happily and I raise my brows.

"Ok do you want to be on a date with me? Or with Noah?" Sass streaming over me and Taehyung chuckles.

"I mean he had a great handshake..." he mocks sarcastically, shrugging his shoulders and when I roll my eyes it only feeds his laughter.

"I see how it is." I try to sound serious with holding back a laugh.

"I'm kidding!" He says reaching for my arm and dragging his soft hold down to my palms, "I'd much rather hold your hand."

When the waiter comes to collect our plates and the bill, I reach for my purse, grabbing my card, but Taehyung looks at me in profound confusion.

"Put that away, I'll take care of this." He says calmly and slyly hands the waiter his own credit card.

"Really Tae I don't mind splitting it!" I say under my voice, but he brushes it off straight away. "Fine. Thank you." I smile and happily tuck my card away.

"Nothing to thank me for." He smirks at me.

By the time we have finished our meal I feel like I could burst, so we decide to get some fresh air on the isolated balcony in front of us, separated by the glass pane.

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