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The air out of the dressing room of hairspray carries a crisp, clean aroma. I am on my first lunch break after 3 hours of constant outfit changes, measuring, and photographing. At last I'm changed back into my t shirt and jeans.

"Loissssss. Sup I'm bored. Wanna have lunch with me? If you don't I'll cry and I won't be your friend." I kid.

"Wow this attitude right here. Unacceptable." She mocks pointing her finger at me.

"Come on take your lunch break with me!" I whine.
"Fine you baby." She sighs, pushing her forearms on the desk to lift from her chair. "I packed pesto pasta though so I'm going to be in the lounge room." She says and I nod.
"Well I packed a sandwich. Don't want to brag or anything." We giggle together on our way to the break room.

I open my locker and pull out a depressing, slightly squished ham sandwich. I drop my shoulders and shut my eyes when I show Lois my lunch.

"Oh Lara. I'm so sorry." She laughs at me while taking her first bite of pasta which makes my mouth water at the sight of it.

I drop myself on the sofa next to her, sighing with relaxation that sitting down at last provided me. Impassively I eat my dull meal.

"So how are you finding the new job?" Lois asks.
"It's really fun so far. And Taehy- Mr Kim is a much better boss than the one at my last job. Even if he's a bit cocky."
"Mhm." Lois raises her eyebrows with suspicion when I almost announced his name informally.

My cheeks burn slightly and I look back into my dire food. Part of me sometimes blanks that he is my employer, and not just a heated acquaintance.

"He seems to like you." Lois says, "he actually talks to you. And Mr Kim is quite reserved, never leaving his studio." She smirks at me.

"No he looks over photoshoots." I say warily.
"Rarely." Lois munches on the last piece of pasta, standing up to go wash her dishes. I follow her, my curiosity peaked.

"So what is he like then? All I know is he has a niece." Craving more information on this enticing man.

"Well his stern at first, but I think he's soft at heart. Then again that is just a guess." She shrugs, "I've worked here for almost two years and can barely read the guy."

I look at the running water giving out steam as it hits the surface of the sink. It holds similarity to a peaceful waterfall, flowing down through the air.

"Maybe he's just like cracking an egg, all closed off but once he's comfortable with you, BAM. You get it all at once." Lois suggests while blocking off the waterfall.

That's a quality that I am likely to share with him. "Yeah maybe." I say softly.

"Anyways why are you so interested in him hmm?" She smirks at me with her hand on her hip. "Got a lil crush do ya?"

I scoff over-dramatically. "Please he's my boss! I was just curious. He's very private is all." I try and conceal the very real thoughts going through me in this moment. Lois only raises her eyebrows, looking away. Although Taehyung is secretive, I can read Lois like a book.

"Right I have to get back." Lois yawns widely. "Give Mr Kim a kiss for me." She mocks before turning around, only for the guy himself to be standing right in front of her.

"Excuse me?" He scrunches his brows slightly.

My head jolts up from my phone when I hear his voice and a deep embarrassment instantly washes over me. He is wearing all black clothing, and his luscious locks of black wavy hair slightly covers his eyes.

"Oh uh- I- uh was talking about someone else with Lara, not you. Got to get back to work now bye!" Lois stutters, awkwardly fleeing the situation, leaving only us in the room.

"She was just joking around Mr Kim. You know Lois!" I try to rectify her comment.
"Don't worry about it. Also call me Taehyung. It sounds to formal from you." He ruffles his silky hair.
"Ok." I smile, moving a loose strand of my dark hair behind my ear.

"So you are already doing well in only your first couple hours working here. I wouldn't be surprised if the other models are intimidated of you." He presses his hands on the table, slightly leaning closer to me.

"Am I that scary?" I laugh.
"Not to me." He looks into my eyes then quickly breaks the contact. My breath hitches.

What a flirt.

"That's good to hear. Taehyung." I smirk at him, standing up and walking out the room. It gives me a strange sensation of strength, leaving this man in awe as I leave, without awaiting his response.

I know it's wrong but I can't help the way he makes me feel. Like I have millions of butterflies trapped in my stomach. An odd infatuation that makes me feel magnetised to him. All I need to find out is why.


My first week flies by and I loved every second of it. This is the first time in my life that I enjoy and am committed to the work I'm doing. I get an amazing sense of fulfilment every time I leave at the end of a hard day. Furthermore I have become more friendly with my colleagues. In addition my boss seems to like me and I already feel a closer bond to him. Never a bad thing.

"Jennie I'm home bitch." I yell as I enter the front door. I can see her sitting on the sofa watching tv with her boyfriend. "Oh Jennie AND Noah I'm home!" I yell and they finally acknowledge me.

"Hey Lara." Noah says, kindly waving at me. Meanwhile Jennie is intently staring at the screen.

"Hi Noah how have you been?" I smile.
"I'm good. But I hear you are a fancy pants model now! That's amazing." Jennie turns and smiles at me while holding his hand.

"How was work? And more importantly, how was Taehyung?" Jennie smirks as I plop on the plush sofa.
"Nothing crazy to report. He looked at me. Gasp!" I laugh while unwinding and freeing my long hair of its tight claw clip.

"Ah you have a thing for the boss huh?" Noah and Jennie laugh.
"Shut up." I say, kicking them both with my heel, concealing a giddy grin in the meantime.

I grab my phone.

Hey how are you? :)

Doing good. New job's going well. how about you?

Ugh my life is so dull compared to yours. Should me you and Jimin grab lunch tomorrow?

Please your a doctor how is your life dull?? Also sounds fun, I'm down! x

ok I'll pick you up from work at 12:30 sound good? x

Perfect thanks. See you then! x

I smile while putting my phone down.

I scramble together a rushed dinner and after eating I hop in the shower to wash off a tiring day of work.

I picture his beautiful face as I let the hot water run over my skin. His smile that could make my heart flutter at any given moment, the warmth I feel when I'm near him. I have a such a strong attraction for him.

I am aware that I've sworn off any romantic affiliations after recent dramatic events, but I can no longer lie to myself. I want Kim Taehyung.

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