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The wind blows my hair in all directions, causing something which loosely resembles a birds nest sitting atop my head, as I step out of my car. Home at last.

The stairs of my apartment is my main source of exercise, for when I finally reach my floor, my lungs feel as if they have been squashed and my legs feel like jelly.

I turn the key entering my apartment, and immediately flop on the sofa, looking out the large window in my living room.

Serenity flows through me.

This view is so magical, it makes up for the treacherous journeys up and down the stairs every day. The night lights of the city beaming into my eyes, taking in the beauty of it all, it really is my peace haven.

A reach for my phone when I get a text.

Heyyy, can't wait to see you at the party, my no longer colleague

I smile, quickly typing in my response as  I have to start getting ready.

You better be ready to take shots with me x

You already know I am ;)

I drop my phone after checking the time and run to my closet.


While flicking through options for my outfit I hear the door unlock.

"Honey I'm home!" Jennie yells as she pokes her head into my room. I ask her how her day was and we chat for a while, as time passes rapidly.

"You better start getting ready for Jin's birthday party " I alert her, as we've derailed into a conversation of what we want for dinner.

"Shit, yeah." she comes back to reality after glancing at her watch. "Can I borrow your red dress?" She asks me, forcing herself to sound desperate. "Pleaseee Lara?"

I throw her the dress and roll my eyes, scoffing.
"Thanks luv." She hollers as she's scuttled off to get changed herself.

I've put on a black mini dress and a small burgundy cardigan. Along with black heels and a handbag I have yet to fill. I can hear Jennies music blasting from her room as I run around my flat looking for my phone.

I sigh in relief when I spot it sitting on the sofa, slightly disguised by a blanket. I grab the phone and run to my room to pack my keys and wallet.

My eyes dart to the business card.

Quickly stuffing it in my purse, I run to Jennies' room to check on her.

"You ready?" I yell over Doja cat blasting through her speakers. She turns off the music and nods excitedly.

"Sam's giving us a lift." I say resulting in an eye roll from my friend, and a reluctant nod.


I'm outside.

We make our way downstairs and out into the fresh summer air.

Sam greeted us with an annoyed look, as we stepped into his car, which had a faint aroma of onions and old cheese.

"I didn't know I'd be a taxi driver for two passengers today." He scoffs sarcastically.

"I didn't know you'd be my taxi driver. If I had I might of walked." Jennie snaps back, her temper already rising from being in close proximity to Sam.

His fists clench at the comment, preparing himself to argue back.

"Why don't you just drive please." I quickly butt in, trying to avoid a screaming match between the two angered individuals.

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