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My stretch hits every perfect spot in my body when I wake up. I shake the stiff window to pry it open using all the force in my arms. This apartment is falling to pieces.

Walking out my room I cross paths with a tired Jennie rubbing her temples. "You look happy." I mock her. She only shoves me with her elbow, but rests her her head on my shoulder as we make our way to the kitchen together.

I make a strong coffee for my sleep deprived friend and set it in-front of her heavy head laying on the kitchen table. She mumbles undefinable words of gratitude. I eat a banana and a cup of tea, not really having a large appetite today. The warmth of the hot beverage gives me a comforting feeling as it slides down my throat.

I rub my eyes and let out a wide yawn.
"Well aren't we are energetic today?" Jennie laughs tiredly as she lifts her head and rests her chin in her palms.
"Very." I sip on my tea.

"Lara can I ask you something?" Jennie says out of the blue. I nod.

"Are you happy?" Her question holds me captive in thought.
"Yes of course." I put on a smile to try and assure my friend.
"Lara." Jennie narrows her knowing eyes at me. I sigh and my head gives into my hands.

"I'm happy with work. But I'm not ok Jennie." I confess and she grabs my hand, rubbing it. "I just feel empty. Lonely you know?" Jennie occasionally nods allowing me to get out my words in my own time. "My parents are just ashamed of me. And I miss having a boyfriend. Although it sounds pathetic I know." My words making my heart sink.

Jennie squeezes my hand and looks at me. "Lara your not pathetic at all. Look at you! You're a beautiful and smart boss bitch! If anything you're the complete opposite of pathetic so don't listen to your mum." I look at her.

"and I know I'm not a boyfriend, but you always will have me Lara." She says softly. I smile at her, feeling a weight lifted off my chest.
"Thank you."


Me and Jennie get taken away in time chatting of endless topics and I jump when I see the time.


"Fuck fuck fuck! I'm late!" I yell to Jennie as I run to my room, struggling to pull on a summer dress as it's a million degrees outside. I run into the bathroom and rub on deodorant and brush my teeth at the speed of light. While lacing up my converse, Jennie brushes my hair and puts it in a claw clip. "Thanks!" I say to her while grabbing my bag and running downstairs.

In the car I call Lois, frantically trying to find my keys in my messy purse.
-"hey Lara where are you?"


-"ok ok don't panic you still have five minutes. It will be fine."

-"shit only five?! The drive is twenty!"

-"look if needed I'll cover for you. Just drive! Drive!"

-"ok ok thank you! see you hopefully soon! Agh bye!"

I finally start the car and drive a little too fast, energy pulsing through my veins. The journey was hectic, with at least 3 close calls for a crash. Safe to say I'm not the best driver. As soon as I find a parking space I stumble out my car, whipping my bag around me and sprinting into the building.

I'm panting when I reach the front desk, gasping for breaths.
"God it looks like you ran a marathon." Lois laughs at me and my tomato shaded cheeks.

A love unexpected | kthWhere stories live. Discover now