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The air surrounding me felt as cold and sharp as a blade, creating a ripple of a shiver falling down my body.

It felt as if the whole world was awaiting my arrival and I was stuck in traffic.


I peel my heavy feet off the gravel force them to move one in front of the other, entering through the automatic doors. All I could hear was my heart, thumping faster and faster in my chest, despite the rumble of busy workers buzzing near me.

Looking around at my surroundings, the decor is very beautiful, plants in every corner and neutral tones splashed all over the place, highlighted further from the suns glow shining through the large windows. The walls were covered in framed magazine covers and intricate clothing sketches.

Walking up to the front desk I am greeted by a girl with long, curly brown hair and a kind face,  busy tapping away on her keyboard.

"Hello, I have a meeting with Kim Taehyung, do you know where I'm supposed to go?"

"Sorry, Mr Kim isn't in any meetings today." She snaps back quickly, with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, that's weird. When he called me he said for me to be here at this time." I feel my palms begin to sweat in anxiousness.

Deeper confusion covers her face, "he called you? Hold on what's your name?"

"Lara Madden." I respond, unsure of what to do with my hands, awkwardly putting them behind my back.

The receptionist is relieved of confusion at the mention of my name. "Oh sorry! I didn't know you were Lara. He told me he would be meeting you today, I'll show you the way." She jumps up from her desk, walking towards the corridor ahead of us.

"Thank you. What's your name?" I reply, sighing with relief.

Her face softens at the interest of conversation. "Lois Ahn." She smiles.

"Pretty name. So are there many other girls trying for jobs?" I ask her, slightly worried.

"Yep, lots apply for modelling and don't succeed, however, these are the girls that haven't been called in by Mr Kim himself." She smirks at me.

I feel my cheeks burn up slightly.

We finally reach a big fogged glass door with studio b written above it. 

Lois knocks on the door and pokes her head in, "Miss Madden is here to see you." She looks back at me and whispers, "go on in, good luck!"

I smile at my new kind acquaintance, "thanks Lois." I whisper in return, smoothing my dress, tucking my hair behind my ear, and with a jolt of confidence, I walk into the room, silence filling every corner of it.

At first I see a big room filled with fabrics, sewing machines, and a desk covered with sketches. Organised chaos. And after that my eyes focus on a tall figure emerging from behind a mannequin.

The man who has been on my mind for the past few days is standing in the flesh in front of me, as mesmerising as ever. He's dressed in a loose white button up shirt and black tailored trousers, as well as a tape measure draped around his neck, resting on his chest.

My heart rate raises at the sight of him.

Ruffling his hair he looks at me, our eyes locking within a second.

"Lara, it's you." He seems surprised.

"12:00 right?" I check my watch.

"No you are on time, I just didn't remember your surname."

"That's because I didn't tell it to you." I quickly respond, smiling subtly.

"Ah." He responds, sitting down at his desk while removing the tape measure from his neck, gesturing for me to sit at the chair opposite to him.

I free my body of my heavy coat and sink into the comfortable chair, feeling his eyes on me as I pull my hair out of my face.

There's a lull of silence enveloped around us as I'm unsure of what to say.

"You are wondering what job you are going to be doing, aren't you?" He can read me like a book.

I nod.

"So, your going to model for me. Wearing my collections, and you would be in magazines." He quickly gets to the point, handing me my contract to skim through, lightly brushing his hand over mine. That slight touch was electric.

Me eyes widen when I see my salary.

I jolt my head back up looking at the smirking man.

I stay quiet.

"So, do you want to work alongside me?" He says with his sultry voice.

"I'd like that." I say.

Before he could respond I pick myself up and start walking around the room, curious to see his designs.

His eyebrow raised when I left the desk. "Already uninterested in speaking to me?"

I don't respond, my eyes fixed on a stunning garment in front of me. I had never seen something that endorsed the same essence of beauty before.

"This dress is very beautiful." I say softly, admiring every specific detail, every intricate bead stitched on the bodice, every pleat in the stunning skirt.

"Thank you. It's not finished yet." He replies.

His voice was louder in my ear and I knew he was closer to me than before. I felt his presence without even seeing him.

Turning around, I prove myself correct. He was standing only but a couple feet away from me. I take a step towards him, wanting to see if I felt a connection. Having to bend my head slightly upwards to meet his gaze, I stare into the depths of his eyes, and he returned the same gesture.

So much was being said in the silence, the tension beginning to rise within us.

There were only centimetres between us now, so close I could smell his colone and feel his warmth.

Pulling myself back into the present moment, remembering this man is now my employer, I break the heated silence. "So job starts Monday right?" Picking up my coat and purse.

"9 o'clock. Don't be late." He says while trying to act uninterested, but the deep shade of red inhabiting his cheeks told a different story.

"See you then, Mr Kim." I turn around confidently and walk to the exit.

"Goodbye Lara." His mesmerising voice reaches my ears once more.

I only turn to him and smile, this time I'm leaving the room, knowing that one meeting will completely change my life.

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