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"This is like the start of a horror movie. If you're gonna kill me, tell Jennie she can finally have my red dress." I say sarcastically and giggle.

Taehyung looks at me and chuckles to himself, I'm so taken by him that I didn't even notice we arrived at a huge grey gate. He opened the window and scanned his fingerprint on some amazing device which had me blown away.

"WOAH! That's so cool!" I look around like a happy puppy in disbelief as Taehyung drives through the now opened gate. He laughs at me but I think nothing of it, now too astounded by the incredible house ahead of us.

The whole building is a sleek black, a modern curve at the front and the rest of the house splashing amazingly in the background. It was lit by some warm lights stamped onto the clean cut walls and shreds of moonlight still managed to crawl their way through the shield of trees, casting a glowing light on the grey stone ground.

"This is where you live?!" I say, gawping at him and the mansion at the same time.

"Home sweet home." He smiles and gets out of the car, but I'm stapled to by seat, struck by the sight in front of me. I've never seen such a house. I mean my parents' place is big, but nothing compared to this.

Taehyung opens my door for me and takes my hand to help me up, as my eyes still shoot around in awe.
"So you're rich rich." I mock and shove him lightly on his side as he gleamingly shows me into the house.

I'm entering I instantly fall in love with the interior too, greys and blacks everywhere but every so often a pop of green in his many plants scattered around perfectly. We walk into the kitchen and he gets himself a glass of water, offering one for me too which I accept.

I sit on a stool opposite him when he leans onto the marble kitchen island, sipping slowly on his water. It's weird you've never actually been here before."

"Yeah actually, I guess we are just always busy with things." I shrug and gulp down my drink speedily.
"We are just very important people you know?" Taehyung says, sarcasm lining his words and I giggle.
"Obviously." I roll my eyes, flicking back my hair and he grins.

I get up and walk around, looking into all the rooms nosily but I can't help myself. I must be a fast walker because I can hear Taehyungs footsteps trying to catch up behind me.

"Where are you off to all of a sudden?" He scoffs and pulls my arm to reach me, pulling my head out of a room alongside it.

"Just curious." I giggle cheekily and squeeze his hand, beaming up at him.

"Because a pantry is so interesting?" He furrows his brows but is smiling through them.



I speed up the spiral staircase in the centre of the grand entrance hall, excitedly giggling as Tae is pathetically slowly chasing after me. I feel like a little kid at Disneyland, yearning to see every little thing.

"Slow down!" I can hear his voice pant behind me.

"You slow down you die!" I yell back, running into what must be his bedroom. It had wall high windows with tall curtains wrapped all around it, and the biggest bed I've ever seen in my life.

"Seriously, slow down." Tae walks in, leaning his hands on his knees in exasperation.

"Ok grandpa." I scoff flopping like a starfish onto the bad, sinking into the memory foam mattress as it moulds to the shape of my body, creating a comfortable coffin for me. I sigh with satisfaction as my tiredness is finally being aided.

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