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I run towards the door as soon as I hear Jennie arriving home, bursting with excitement of my fantastic news.

As soon as we lock eyes she grins, knowing something good has happened.

"Oh my god Jennie! Kim Taehyung called me back!" She gasps. "I'm meeting him at his studio tomorrow!!" I beam, her eyes widened.

She grabs my hands and we start jumping around and screaming in the doorway.

"See? I knew it would work out!" She states smugly.

"Yeah yeah" I reply, pure bliss pouring out of each of us in this miraculous moment.

"So tell me. What did he say?" She sarcastically winks.

I state the complete truth. "I can hardly remember, I was in another world only from listening to his voice, not comprehending what he was saying with it."

We squeal like children once more.

Jennie proudly smiles at me. "I have a later shift tomorrow I'm going to help you get ready. You will blow him away and he will HAVE to give you a job." She giggles.

"Aghh, I'm so nervous!" I yell, my entire body covering itself with goosebumps.

"Don't be. You're a natural charmer. And we can prepare you all morning tomorrow, but let's celebrate tonight!" She reassures me, grinning.

"Let's get something fun for dinner, you wanna go out for drinks?" She suggests.

My tiredness creeps back slowly.

I remember how emotionally drained I still am, despite this golden nugget of news.

"Can we get a takeout and watch tv, I should be well rested for tomorrow." I decide.

"Of course. Agh this is amazing! I'm so happy for you!"


After scoffing down our Chinese food and applying face masks, we are reclined on our sofa, wrapped in cosy blankets watching Brooklyn 99, with the city lights casting a soft glow in the living room. My perfect evening.

Jennie pauses the show, turning away from the gleaming tv and towards me. "So how hot was Taehyung then?" She whispers, hungry for more gossip.

I pretend to over dramatically faint. "His eyes girl-" I sigh, holding my hand to my chest.

Jennie laughs, "nice eyes are such an attractive feature." She stares into space, clearly thinking of one particular pair.

"Noah has lovely eyes you know." I voice the thoughts in her head.

She turns to me smiling, "right?!"

"So how's things with him going?" I enquire, remembering I haven't asked about them in some time.

"So good." She pulls her hair back, clearly giddy thinking of her sweet boyfriend.

"Today he came to my work during his lunch break only to give me a muffin, because I had said to him I was craving one when we were texting earlier on." She smiles to herself, and I can read her like a book.

"You loveeeeee him, you want to marryyyyyy him." I mock her, resulting in a punch on my arm, but she responds only with a smile, pressing play with the remote.

"Ignore me then." I laugh.

"I plan on it" she responds, tucking herself back under the blanket and staring in the direction of the tv.

"Seriously though, could you see anything big happening with him soon?" My curiosity overtaking me.

She only smiles.

I stop talking, knowing the answer without her having to vocalise it.



"Lara wake your ass up! it's time to get you readyyyy!!!" Jennie barges into my previously very relaxing room.

Yawning, I pick myself up, too anxious to sleep any longer.

"First, get in the shower!" She yelps.

I don't respond.

My morning mood still is yet to depart, and I walk into the bathroom, annoyed at the volume of her voice.

Turning the shower on so it warms up, I brush my teeth, the minty taste wakening me.

I step into the steamy shower, and delicately massage the shampoo into my scalp, taking my time and allowing the tranquility wash over me.

After running my fingers through my hair with conditioner, I gently scrub and shave my skin, leaving it silky soft.

Finally I step out the shower, patting myself down with a towel, and applying moisturiser.

With my forearm I wipe the fog off the mirror, revealing a clearer image of myself.

Wrapping myself in my robe and my hair in a towel, I step out of my bathroom, feeling refreshed.

When I return to my room, I notice Jennie has made my bed. I smile at her in gratitude.

Jennie gestures to my wardrobe, insinuating we should pick out my clothes now.

"Let's have a quick breakfast first." I say, feeling my hunger arise as my stomach rumbles.

We walk into the kitchen and I start making us coffees, opening the tin a bitter scent of coffee grounds reaching my nose. In the meantime Jennie's making up two bowls of cereal.

After I prepared the coffees we sit at the table, eating our quick meal.

"So, you nervous?" She asks me, breaking the peaceful silence while sipping on her hot drink.

I nod. "I have no idea what to say to him. Do I try to act cool or will that seem rude? I mean I have to get this job! And what if he interviews me and asks me something and I freeze. That's so embarrassing!" I'm surprised at the rant that just escaped me.

Jennies eyes crease as she smiles, "Just act like yourself, and be polite. You have a tendency to make a few too many jokes when you're in uncomfortable situations, so keep that in mind. But apart from that you will be great. Don't panic." Her words relax me.

I put the dishes in the sink and we make my way to my room. I begin applying some subtle makeup, while Jennie shows me some options on what to wear.

I decide on a black pinstripe long sleeve dress and sheer tights, which was the only classy thing I owned, seeing as I'm trying to impress a fashion designer.

Finishing off my makeup, slipping on some low heels and putting on my jewellery with the help of my friend I am finally finished.

"How do I look?" I say, giving myself one last glance in the mirror, content with the person I see before me.

"Ugh so beautiful bitch!" Jennie exclaims while spritzing me with some of her fancy French perfume with a name I can hardly pronounce.

I grab my purse and check the time.


"Ok time to go!" I say, sounding more confident than I am feeling currently.

"You will be great. Leave him speechless." Jennie winks.

I wave goodbye and hurry down the stairs, getting my bundle of keys ready to start the car.

Pulling up google maps, I copy and paste the address that had been sent to me the prior evening, my heart racing with anticipation.

I begin driving through the hectic streets of Seoul, but this time not one bit of anger runs within me. Only a warm, hopeful feeling takes over me when I see the sun peaking over some fluffy clouds.


Finally I reach my destination and I step out of my car. I am taken aback at what stands before me.

A sleek, modern building towers over me, and my nerves begin to crawl back.

I clutch my purse tightly to stop the shaking of my hands.

This is it.

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