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Hi Lara, how have you been?

The simplicity of the text puzzles me. If anything I expected a little aggression at anytime from him. Why is he trying to get back in contact?


My interest in speaking with Sam is little to none. I didn't expect a reply but to my surprise only a minute later my phone buzzes, his name flashing on the screen once more.

Could we meet up for a coffee or something? x

I don't know if that would be a good idea

Come on what's the harm in a simple coffee? I just want to catch up, it's been a while.

For some reason I'm not adamant to decline the offer. Obviously it's not going to be 'just to catch up' but I want to see what he has to say to me.

Alright, just a coffee though

Sam instantly responds and we talk a bit more, deciding on meeting tomorrow at a little cafe. He offered for us to go to his place but I never want to go back there, so I quickly declined on that.

Once we finished going over details I open Instagram, where I'm flooded with pictures of Taehyung and I outside the airport all over my feed. Shocked, I scroll further only for more posts of the two of us, a couple claiming it was just for attention or that it was fake. It doesn't affect me in the slightest as I know the truth.

I smile while looking at the positive reactions of his fans, so happy he broke the secret.

I heave myself away from the comfort of the sofa and reluctantly begin unpacking my bags, still a bit taken from my new plans for tomorrow.

There's a light rain over Seoul today, but it's peaceful. I wiggle open the window of my room I missed, letting the fresh air pour in, lined by the faint petrichor within it. The feathery breeze washes onto my skin and it calms me. A break from the sweltering heat I had been in for the past few days.

I decide to shower to wash the long, harrowing journey of of me. Although I was staying in such a glamorous suite in Milan, I missed my home. My view, my warm bed, my comforting shower.

Stepping out of the shower I run my towel over my body and then wrap my hair in it, then changing into sweat shorts and a simple black shirt. I'm not going to do anything today except eat, watch Netflix, and nap. All my favourite hobbies.


"Jennie we have no food!" I yell from the kitchen to my friend and she walks into the room.

"No shit we've been gone for four days." She mocks and pours herself a glass of water and sits at the table, gulping it down like she's not drank for days.

"Oh yeah." I laugh and stretch my sore neck, "I'll go food shopping then." When I say that Jennie stands up.

"I'll come too! I want to get snacks." She claps her hands together, waking both of us up and ready to go.

We put our shoes on and head downstairs, and Jennie hands me some huge sunglasses so I can stay hidden, especially with the buzz of rumours going around currently.

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