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My eyes blink open.

My room surrounds me. I don't remember falling asleep here.

I can feel the straps of my dress digging into my shoulder and I pull myself up, trying to piece together the puzzle.

I must have passed out and they dropped me on my bed, if I'm still in my party attire.

I look down to my arm, which has been cleaned and bandaged up, creating a small smile knowing my friends are looking after me.

The awful memory of last night hits me and I scrunch my face up, falling back into bed. I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Lara, can I come in?" Jimins voice travels towards me. He must have crashed here for the night.

I don't answer. I don't want to talk or do anything, only stay in my bed, wishing to never get up.

He enters with the absence of my response, walking up to me.

"Hey. How you holding up?"

I only groan.

He squeezes my hand comfortingly, "want me to make some pancakes?" My interest peaks.

I turn to him at the mention of food. "Yes please." I mumble, slightly hiding my face, knowing it's not a pretty sight right now.

"Ok but if you want pancakes you have to change and wash your face." He orders me while sweetly smiling. I sigh but nod in agreement, aware that he is trying to care for me.

I stay wrapped in a blanket till he exists the sunlit room.

Then, pulling myself out of my comforting bed, I catch a glance of myself in my mirror. A sorry sight. My hair a frizzy bundle, runs in my tights, melted makeup smeared all over my red face.

Slipping out of my uncomfortable clothes, I change into my joggers and a random t shirt on the floor.

Walking to the bathroom I feel lightheaded from standing up so quickly, having to lean against the sink to regain the little amount of strength I still had within me. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and try to untangle my hair.

Once that's done I exhaustedly flop back into my bed, trying to fall back into a healing sleep.

As I am about to enter the realm of subconsciousness, my friends walk in, holding a glorious stack of pancakes in their hand.

The smell gives me a slight motivation to sit up. Jennie and Jimin plop themselves on my bed, handing me my portion of pancakes. I notice they gave me a couple more than themselves.

"Thank you guys." I say, grateful to have such kind friends.

They observe me, trying to analyse my emotions as I stuff my mouth with a huge bite of pancake with syrup.

"So, how are you Lara?" Jennie asks. I knew they would use this moment to talk to me about last night.

"Fine." I mumble, taking another delicious bite of my breakfast.

"How are you really?" Jimin asks, his eyes desperate to know. I give in.

"Well I'm single, injured, and unemployed. So I'm clearly not fine." I snap, instantly regretting my harsh tone.

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