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Nothing is giving me the same comfort anymore. My duvet is too scratchy, the city view is too bright, my shower burns my skin. He's the only thing that will soothe me, yet I pushed him away.

I start regretting how I left him at the studio. Not saying anything and walking out awkwardly, just watching him standing there, looking so hurt. And I created that.

I reach for my phone to call him and apologise for everything, but Jimin walks in.

"Lara it's your favourite guy!" He yells while walking into the living room. Approaching the back of the sofa wear I am seated, wrapping his arms around my head.

"Hey." I say gloomily, but putting my hands on his arms.
"What's wrong?" He can instantly sense my sadness.

I want to tell him what happened, but keeping it to myself feels better for now. If I tell Jimin then it will feel all to real.

"Nothing just a long day." I turn to him and smile, "but guess what?!" his attention is grabbed and jumps onto the sofa to sit next to me.

I tell him all about Milan, the fancy jet, and how I made sure there's a seat with his name on it.

"Really?!!! Are you being for real?" He squeals.

"Yes there's no way I'm going without you!" I squeeze his hand. "We're leaving on Saturday, so in four days."
"AHHH!!" He yells, joy pouring out of him.

"And I managed to Jennie and Jin to get a seat aswell!" I grin.

"Yay! Wow you must have some pull on Taehyung." He rolls onto his back smirking. The mention of his name cuts me.
"I guess." I say, shrugging it off.

I stand up, going to the kitchen to make some dinner for us. I'm already starting to feel better with the company of my friend. Maybe it wasn't so bad. I don't want to rush into anything.

I text Jennie and Jin the great news, and they are ecstatic. Jin saying he's already packing, Jennie thanking me repeatedly. I warm at the feeling of pleasing people, so it's a good contrast to previous events.

I hand Jimin the bowl of kimchi rice and seat myself back to him again. He thanks me and we eat our dinner together, chatting about his audition tomorrow.

"Yeah I just decided I don't want it to be a hobby anymore. And it's my worst fear to work in that hellhole of a cafe the rest of my life!" He shudders at the thought.

"Exactly. If you get more stressed then all your amazing hair will fall out!" I lightly tug on his hair, laughing.

He gasps. "Never!" And stokes his hair.
"Wow. You have no need for a pet to keep you company I can see."

"Nope. I'm just a problem solver. No need for a cat when I have myself." He says smugly. I raise my eyebrows.

"You sure you don't want me to call up a therapist for your 'problem solving'?"

We laugh so much that I almost choke on the rice, holding my burning stomach. When Jimin and I have these laughing fits we always smack eachother with our waving arms, resulting in a few bruises. But it always cheers me up so it's worth it.


My nose is the first part of me to reanimate, catching the sweet smell of cooking in the kitchen. I practically float out of my bed and speed up in the direction of the aroma that made my face light up.

I see Jennie standing at the stove flipping something. "Look at you all wifey." I chuckle.

"Morning." Jennie says while handing me a plate of french toast with syrup and strawberries. A gape my mouth at her.

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