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"Lara!" Yeona's little voice yells as she runs towards me, arms wide. I giggle and pull her up into my arms.

"How's my favourite girl?" I tap her button nose, looking at Taehyung walking up to us, smiling at the sight.

"I'm very good." She squeezes my cheeks together, giggling. I've seen Yeona at the studio many times over the past month, and we've grown very fond of eachother. She's a little devil hidden in a sweet, cute kid.

I put her down and she starts grabbing onto my leg, babbling random words. I look towards Tae. It's been two days since the kiss and I feel on top of the world.

I'm not sure entirely what it is we are, but I'm enjoying it, the thrill when I see him, hold him, kiss him. Even if it's a secret, I think that makes it all the more exciting.

"Hello Miss Madden, how have you been?" He says, faking a front of professionalism and I smirk, returning his sarcastic greeting I know he gave to humour me.

"Well thank you." I bow my head forward, while removing Yeona from my foot and tickling her, giggling.

My last day of work passed quickly and Lois had just left, but I forced Sasha to stay late and help me practice my catwalk.

"Sasha these shoes hurt my feet!" I scream, wobbling around like a penguin on ice.

"You just have to get used to it. Beauty is pain." She laughs wiggling her feet in her fluffy Ugg boots, and I think I've never envied someone as much as in this moment.

I begin walking up and down the corridor, looking so stiff and unnatural. "God Lara have you got a stick up your ass?" She chuckles, sitting on the ground and flicking through her phone.

"I regret asking you for help." I smile sarcastically and throw my jumper at her. She only chuckles. A few more walks up and down the hall and I can finally walk in the shoes sent from hell, but I can hardly call it a walk. More of a balancing act, arms waving frantically in the air.

"What are you two still doing here?" I jump hearing Taehyung's voice behind me and spin around to face him. Unfortunately one of my ankles wasn't feeling very motivated in this moment and decided to give in.

"Woah!" I yell, about to fall on my head but am caught by Taehyungs hands gripping onto my arms. "Thanks." I smile as he brushes his hands away but his eyes stay bound to me.

"Uhh, I should get on home. It's late and we're leaving early tomorrow." She picks herself up, catching onto whatever tension was brewing, giving me a sneaky side glance.

"Ok. See you at the airport at 6:00." Taehyung reminds her, subtly smiling. She nods and leaves in a rush. I turn to the guy and laugh.

"Shame she left in such a hurry." I chuckle.

"Yes it is. But now she's gone we're the only ones left here. You know?" He smirks. I look around, observing the peaceful absence of the usual buzz of employees.

"And what does that mean?" I fold my arms smugly, grinning as he tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, keeping his hand by my face.

"It means I can do this." He whispers, pulling me in for a quick peck on the lips. Our touch never fails to makes me feel giddy with joy.

I gasp sarcastically "in a work environment! Have you no control?" I mock, still with our lips only a crack apart.

"No." He says, giving me another small kiss before pulling apart, creating a smile on my face from one ear to the other.

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