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The upbeat music I was blasting in my car still failed to deafen the confusion shouting over it. My mind was focused solely on what Jennie wanted to say to me. By the time I have arrived at the studio, not one piece of the puzzle connected with another, just a big pile of dead ends.

I walk into the building and to my surprise, see Jin leaning against the front desk, I presume the receptionist was sitting gleefully behind his broad figure. My trainers squeak against the glossed floor as I no longer subtly approach the pair. I stand next to Jin and clasp my hands together, leaning my forearms on the counter.

"What's up guys?" I say with a sneaky smile pulling up my face as I look at the couples matching blushed cheeks.

"Hi Lara." They say in union, smiling.
"And what are you doing here Jin? Chatting up the busy receptionist?" I say smugly, feeing in the mood to bug someone. Jin at a loss for words, looks desperately at Lois to take charge.

"No no, Jin just came over to drop something off." Lois lies through her teeth for no reason and I raise my brows.
"Really?" I put my hands on my hips and I glance back and forth at them both, " and what did he drop off?"

Lois scavenges around her desk to find something to claim he apparently brought to her, and picks up her Tupperware of her regular pesto pasta which Jin points at nodding trying to convince me, and I can't help but roll my eyes.

I step away from the desk with a knowing smile.
"Continue staring into each others eyes. I'm going now." I chuckle and walk into the corridor after seeing them wave me goodbye and laughing giddily together.

I walk into Taehyungs room, wanting to see him before wrapping myself in work and being to exhausted to spend time with him properly. Pushing open the door, I see him and Yeona sitting calmly at his desk, she is colouring and he is sketching.

"Sorry I'm interrupting two artists busy at work I see!" I say smiling to which they are startled, Taehyungs surprised face quickly melting into a pleased one. Yeona on the other hand hopping out her seat and excitedly running up to me, her arms wrapping around me leg, Tae and I chuckling at her.

"Lara finally! I was very bored drawing and he said you would hear ages ago." She points with a frown to the sitting man but I bend down, cupping her chubby cheeks and she smiles into my hands.

"Sorry I'm a little late, did your uncle almost bore you to death?" A whisper loudly to the nodding giggly girl and when Tae hears he throws his hands up, annoyed at the unnecessary dig but him and I share a lightheaded look.

He stands up and walks towards us, bending down and putting his hand gently on Yeonas head, then planting an innocent kiss on my cheek.

"EWW!" Yeona reacts and Tae rolls his eyes, us two laughing meanwhile. We all release ourselves from our kneeling position and I pick up my bag, Yeona continues running around manically and I look to Taehyung.

"Got to go to a fitting to go to now. Just wanted to pop in and say hi." I say but my feet stay sealed to the floor. He nods.

"Hi." He waves and I giggle, waving goodbye to him and his ecstatic niece as I leave the positively filled surroundings. I walk into the changing rooms and sit next to Yoongi, who is adjusting his hair for his shoot.

"You look pretty." I say sweetly and scroll through my phone, waiting for Sasha to scurry in with all the garments I have to try and get adjusted. Yoongi happily takes the compliment and I glance back up, shooting him a brief smile before looking back to the bright screen in my hands.

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