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The lull of silence blankets the frozen room.

Jennie leans awkwardly on her doorframe, hiding the red that has formed on her cheeks. Noah seems skittish as he starts looking around for his shoes desperately, but they seem nowhere to be found. The uncomfortable girl slides back into her room and comes out with his brown shoes, handing them to the frantic man.

"Thanks." He smiles at her and jumps into his shoes, quickly kissing her cheek and waving goodbye to me before scuttling out of the door like a penguin. I turn to Jennie and can't help but chuckle.

"He was out in a rush!" I laugh while taking off my shoes and walking into the living room.
"You scared him off." Jennie sighs but let's out a small giggle before falling into the sofa beside me.

"Am I that terrifying?" I grin deviously.
"Yes." She replies bluntly and I shove her, to which she continues giggling. "Anyway stop looking at me all smug, you are the one wearing someone else's clothes. Spent the night I see?" She pumps her eyebrows.

I peel myself up and get a glass of water.
"yep. But it's not like that." I say, sitting back down and sip at the drink, but Jennie sends me an unconvinced glare. "Seriously! We just fell asleep then he made me breakfast." I smile to myself remembering how sweet he was this morning.

"Whatever you say." Jennie shakes her head, still giggling, and walks off to her room. I sigh and pick up my phone, filling time in the remaining hours of my free day.

Hey idiot. What's up :)

Omg Lara I got in to the dance group! They just sent me an email, I start practice next Saturday!!!



I place my phone down, the excitement of the conversation with my friend uplifting me, and gaining energy to get out of the sinking sofa cushions.

Jennie had her door shut, but I waltzed on in, feeling in a talkative mood and wanting to chat. "Hey, it's me again! Did ya miss me?" I beam, jumping onto her bed as if it was a trampoline, next to her where she was reading a book. She sighs and reluctantly shuts the novel, turning to face me.

"No. What do you want?" She grumbles and I smile.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I say in a less sassy tone than previously and it sparks her interest. "I was talking to Tae and he was saying that this place isn't the safest for us anymore." She begins to seem worried.

"What do you mean?" She asks, shifting up from her relaxed position.
"Like there's not good security, this building is quite run down too." I try to explain but Jennies expression fails to change.

"So what are you trying to say?" She says.
"Maybe we should look for a new place." I suggest, shrugging.
"But this is our home!" She says a little louder now.
"I know that! But there might be a better option."

Jennie thinks to herself a moment, battling the contradictions in her mind before she speaks again.
"Fine. We can look around I guess." She mutters before picking up her book again and I put my hand on her shoulder before getting up.

I get to the door but turn back to the seemingly uninterested girl.
"There's no rush or anything you know." I say over my shoulder.
"I know." She mumbles, not lifting her head from the pages.

When I leave, the air feels sticky and my clothes feel uncomfortable. I bite the inside of my cheek before falling back onto my now scratchy duvet, shutting my eyes to gather my many buzzing thoughts.

Hints of guilt creep their way into me for springing all that on her out of nowhere. That didn't go well, but at least it happened.



I walk out of my cocoon and shut the door behind me, walking into the kitchen, my stomach growling. The hot oil splatters onto some of my skin as I drop the egg into the greased pan, creating small red marks which sizzles my hand. My face contorts in pain and I rush to the sink, the contrast of the cold water on my hot skin relieves the burning sensation and my shoulders release from the tight knot, patting down my hands with a tea towel.

Jennies voice proceeds her footsteps. "What happened? I heard your yelp." She peers over to me and I turn away from the frying egg.

"Oh I just burnt my hand a little. It's not that bad." I smile and point to the pan, "do you want some? I'm making myself dinner." I offer but she shakes her head, doubtfully sitting at the table and I take hold of my spatula again. The fried egg sits perfectly on the slice of buttered toast, and I take my plate, sitting opposite the very quiet girl.

She continues to stay silent, looking into her hands and sometimes looking up at me skeptically. The only noise being made right now is the sound of me munching on my dinner. In between mouthfuls I look at her, as if insinuating her to voice her thoughts, but she just shakes her head.

By the time I've finished my meal she still hasn't spoken so I throw my head back. "Ok can you spill it please!" I finally break the silence for her head to jolt up and look at me guiltily. What could she possibly have to say to me?

"Lara um..." she manages to pull out and I nod, listening intently as she thinks over what to say next. "Never mind." She smiles and presses her hand on the table lifting herself up and walks back to her room, the sound of her door shutting echoing through the narrow corridors of our old apartment. Her face was decorated with happiness but was concealing uncertainty, a kind which I couldn't unravel.

Filled with confusion, I quickly wash my plate, the dish soap stinging over the little burns atop my hand. Then walking to Jennies room to continue what she walked away from, I stop before my hand touches the doorknob.

If she didn't say anything, there's a reason, don't push her to speak if she doesn't want to right now.

I sigh and spin away from her door, facing mine to which I do open and stumble into, spending the rest of the evening watching Netflix and trying to push the curiosity out of my mind.

Are you super excited to go back to work tomorrow!?!? I'm not.

Ugh why do I despise 7 in the morning so

I would thank you for reminding me to set my alarm, but it's not something I'm happy about doing.

Ya welcome x


The morning arrives after a night of restless intermittent sleep, so I'm glad to get out of my prison cell of insomnia at last, and trot off to the bathroom to scrub away my terrifying morning breath, along with my birds nest placed so greatly on my head.

Refreshed, I walk into the kitchen and eat a banana, my appetite yet to catch up with me. Chucking away the peel, I walk back into my room and change into some sweat shorts and a crop top, dressing casually as I have a fitting first thing today. I put on a cap and grab my purse, slipping on some trainers.

Before I leave I pop my head into Jennies room, where she is half awake, scrolling through her phone. When seeing me she waves and half smiles tiredly but I can tell something is still off with her. Reciprocating her wave then exiting the apartment, I walk down the dusty stairs, deeply puzzled again.

I try to solve the mystery of why is she acting this way, but am unsuccessful. She always tells me every thought that pops into her mind, so why is she reluctant to share this one?

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