1- Will You Teach Me?

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"Hey Mr LaRusso?"

I'm not oblivious to the things around me. It's not like he's been exactly subtle about it anyhow. He's trying to get someone to do karate with him. I'm no karate expert. In fact, I hated on the martial art for a long while when I was younger because people would always think I did it instead of tae kwon do, and I hated that. Obviously I've grown out of that school of thought, but I'll always prefer the Korean martial art.

"What do you need Parker? Oh and can you meet Robby in the back to work on the bonsai trees?" He responds. Oh wow, I've only got to work with them once before... I'm honored that he trusts me to do so.

"Sure, of course. And I apologize for eavesdropping, but I couldn't help but notice that you were looking for a karate partner. I've never done it before, but I'd love to learn, if you'd be willing to teach me," I say. I've never particularly wanted to do karate either, but I realized the other day that learning the karate techniques could greatly enhance my tae kwon do abilities, and I quite like the thought of that, especially since I plan on competing in a tournament this summer. Mr LaRusso looks a little shocked.

"You want to learn karate?" He asks, sounding confused. Have that many people turned him down? Well if that's the case-

"I mean if it's okay with you. I've just always been fascinated by the martial arts and I've got some birthday money saved up so I thought I'd ask for a lesson-"

"Parker, I don't need your money, and I'd love to teach you karate," he says. Oh. That's kind of him. I suppose I'm just used to people wanting something from me in return for everything.

"Are you sure sir? That's awfully generous..." I say. I'd rather not pay, but I never want to feel like I'm cheating anybody out of anything. That's not what I stand for. I also don't want to pay but I'd rather be doing things the fair way.

"Of course, when can you start?" Mr LaRusso asks, looking very excited. Dios mío, that was a switch.

"Friday evening is the first time I'm free this week, is that okay?" I ask, a little nervously. My heart is pounding really hard right now. I've been meaning to ask for about two days now, but every time we crossed paths, I felt like I was going to throw up, so it had to wait. I'm pretty proud of myself, I won't lie.

"That's great! Busy schedule, huh?"

"That's how I like it these days. Thank you, sir. I should get back to work though. Those bonsais aren't gonna tend themselves," I say, laughing a little in attempt to mask nervousness and excitement. He smiles at me. I smile back, then start to walk away.

"Parker!" He calls after me. I pause, turning to look at him. "Thank you."

"No," I respond, "thank you."

I walk into the bonsai section- or bonsai cage, as I lovingly refer to it- with silent footsteps, like I usually do when I nervously enter a room. It gives me a few moments to scope out the situation before they notice that I'm here, so I can make sure that I'm not walking into a situation where I'm unsafe.

I've never actually spoken to Robby Keene. I prefer to just do my job and stay in the background. He jumps as I clip the first branch.

"Jesus, how long have you been here?" He asks. My face flushes with heat.

"I just got here. Sorry for scaring you," I say, keeping my eyes on the little tree. Focus on the baby tree, focus on the baby tree.

"It's cool. I don't think we've met before. Robby Keene," he says. I've seen him around. Can't believe he fell for Louie's stupid tricks. I can't talk, I almost did, but I had the common sense to ask Mrs LaRusso about it because it seemed off.

"Parker Reyes," I say, finally turning to look at him, "but you can call me Park if you want to."

He smiles at me and I smile back. My heart beats hard at my offering of the nickname to him. Nobody has called me Park in a year, and even then it was just for one day... the name is tied to a memory that lies dead in the past, and I want to resurrect it so I can maybe finally get over it.

Robby seems nice enough. I think I could take him if he decided to attack me right now. We're about the same height, from what I observe. Perhaps it's a little bad that my mind goes to such a dark place within minutes of meeting him, but after what I've been through... you never know what's gonna happen or who's gonna try to hurt you. He puts down the clippers, turning back to me once more.

"I suck at this," he admits. Eh, I just clip off the tiny pieces to make it seem like I know what I'm doing.

"So do I, but last time I did this I got a fun lesson about how I just have to think about it less and that I'm like the bonsai tree I guess. Here he comes. I bet you five bucks he gives you the same speech,"


Don't fail me now Mr LaRusso. Five bucks isn't a lot, but anything counts. Mr LaRusso joins us in the bonsai cage and, surprise surprise, he gives Robby the same speech he gave me. I glance over at him, giving him a quick wink before returning to my own tree. I just got five dollars richer. Mr LaRusso turns to me.

"Looks like you've learned a lot since you were last back here. How's the one you've got at home doing?" He asks. I actually bought my car here with my dad when they had a really good deal on used cars, which means I got a bonsai of my own, and I took care of the little thing the best I could, but it wasn't until I started working here that I got a chance to learn how to trim it right and everything. Now it's a nice constant in my life. I feel bad when I forget to keep up with it.

"It's actually still alive and it looks nice too. It thrives happily on my windowsill," I say. It's adorable; I love it. I'm honestly surprised it's still alive. It feels like everything around me dies...

"That's good to hear. Keep up the good work you two," he says, and with that, Mr. LaRusso leaves the two of us alone in the bonsai cage.

"Here. You were right," Robby says, handing me a five dollar bill. I can't help but grin as I accept it.

"Thank you," I say, pocketing the cash.

"So... how long have you been working here?" He asks as we continue working.

"A couple months or so. I'm only part time- afternoons and weekends- because school, and then the prior evening commitments I have, but I do my best. Are you in school? I feel like you always get here way before me," I ask in return. Luckily, the LaRussos know when I get here, because their daughter and I go to the same school. We have a class or two together. I don't think she knows who I am.

"I'm... homeschooled," he replies. Something about his expression seems a little off, but I don't think much of it. I've always been glad I'm not homeschooled. Not that public school has ever been my favorite place to be, but homeschool..? Absolutely not. I nod with a kind of "ahh I see" look.

"I've seen you around a lot but we've never met before now," Robby says. That's partially my fault. I don't avoid others, I just focus more on my job than the social aspect that could come with it.

"I... am not great at talking to people. I usually just do my job and then leave. It's easiest that way," I say, turning away so he can't see my face. It's not how I want it to be. I wish I could socialize and make friends easily and be all connected but I can't. I don't know why, but I just can't. My brain... doesn't work like that. And I hate it, but I don't know how else to live, so that's just how it is.

"Then I guess we should just never speak again,"

"If you want it that way," I shrug in response. I wouldn't mind making a new friend, or at least having someone I could talk to around here once I get more comfortable, but if he wants solitude, I won't hesitate to give it to him.

"I don't," he says quickly. Oh? Anyway... huh... I smile.

"Yeah," I say, pleasantly surprised by this whole interaction, "me neither."

•  •  •

A/N- Welcome to la fiesta! I do not own Cobra Kai nor do I own the cover art, only a handful of original characters and plot lines. This story can be found on AO3 and Quotev if that's more your speed, but I hope to see you all again soon. Ciao

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ