60- Checkmate

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I've been on a high of the sorts since my phone call with Robby. I had dinner with the LaRussos and I told them all about it and they were glad to hear he was okay, Sam especially. I made sure to leave out the part that he didn't pick up the first two times I called him because he thought I was Mr LaRusso. I couldn't bring myself to even begin to bring that up when it was the first time I had spoken to him since he came to tell me that Robby was in juvie.

I told my piano teacher that my next lesson would be my last because of money issues. I may or may not have cried. I've been taking piano lessons since I was seven. I was about a year away from having done it for ten whole years, and my teacher really is just a great guy. He told me to keep in touch and to let him know when I become a big star. I laughed and said it probably wouldn't happen and he gave me a whole inspirational speech about how I can do practically anything and that I'm amazing whether I believe it or not. I don't, but I may or may not have cried again after that.

I don't know if I'm gonna work at the dealership again... I just know that I need a second job if I'm gonna keep Abuelita and I afloat. She's telling me not to worry about it, but I can't just... not worry. I've been worrying about financial stuff for years now. We'll figure it out. Abuelita and I as a team are unstoppable, or at least that's what I've been telling myself to make myself feel better. It usually works.

But I can worry about that at a later date. I'm currently working at the tae kwon do school, getting the class registration system back in working order. It crashed yesterday and it's screwing up the classes. As the one person who knows their way around this sort of thing currently working here, I've been tasked to fix it. I think I've got it. Just like with the Diaz's lights, it's a relatively simple fix, it just takes a decently experienced hand.

I led a class earlier, hence why I'm wearing my uniform. It's the dragon uniform, which I usually only wear for tournaments and special occasions, but I wore it today because I feel like talking with Robby counts as a special occasion and it's comfortable. The kids in the class I teach love it. It's an all around win.

"Hello," someone says, walking up to the desk, "Parker Reyes, was it?"

I look up sharply upon vaguely recognizing the voice. Hey.. it's that Kreese guy, the one Mr LaRusso warned me about... what is he doing here? Why is talking to me? What's going on? I glance over at the nearest instructor, who's showing a new student around the tae kwon do school. If things get sticky, there are weapons right behind me... there are people all around... it's okay...

"What are you doing here?" I ask coldly. This man is the one behind the people who've done nothing but make my life hell for months. Why is he here?

"It's a free country, sweetheart, I can go anywhere," he responds. I'm gonna be sick. Juro por Dios, I ought to sidekick him in the face right here right now.

"'Free country' doesn't mean free of repercussions," I say back. Like if I shot him point blank right now, I would still face charges. It's just how the world works.

"Now tell me what you're doing here before I call for an instructor."

"You possess a certain.. strength and skill in karate, a certain strength and skill that I'm looking for at Cobra Kai that some of my current students only wish they could possess," he says. What the hell?! Is he- is he really trying to recruit me for Cobra Kai?! Por Dios, this guy really is crazy!

"I don't give a shit what you're looking for," I say, keeping my voice low so nobody but him hears, "I'll never join Cobra Kai."

It's a bold move swearing, but I don't care. I can apologize to my instructors if anyone heard, but I think they'll understand after I tell them who this guy really is and what he's done.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now