54- A Letter From Her Majesty

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Robby POV

My whole body aches from the absolute beating I took. In all honesty, it almost hurts more that my dad didn't show up yesterday... I can't imagine what could've possibly came up. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This is on brand for him. I just thought that maybe... maybe after how things went after I took Sam to his house that things would be... different. Better, even. I should've known better. I shake my head. We're doing service work tomorrow. That should help take my mind off of things. At the very least I'll know that doing the work will shorten my sentence. The sooner I can get out of here, the better.

"Robby Keene," the prison guard says, snapping me out of my thoughts. What? What did I do? I think he was talking but I wasn't paying attention. Am I in trouble? I walk up to him, confused. My confusion doesn't end when he hands me a folded piece of paper.

"What is this?" I ask. A notice? A letter saying that Miguel Diaz is dead and it's all my fault?

"... It's a letter," he replies, and with that, he walks away before I can ask who it's from. Why doesn't it have an envelope? This is the sketchiest letter I've ever received- not that I've received that many letters. I flip over the folded piece of paper, which, upon further inspection, I find is at least two pieces of paper. My heart stops. There, in very clear writing, are the words 'to: Robby Keene, from: Parker Reyes'. Park... she wrote me a letter... she wrote me a letter. I quickly sit down on my bed, unfolding the papers as fast as I possibly can. Any faster and I might've ripped them. Holy shit... wow she wrote a lot. It takes everything in me to not grin wider than a kid in a candy store. I have to take a deep breath so I don't speed through reading it and miss something by accident.

Dear Robert Swayze Keene,

AH! This is so weird! I mean, not a bad weird or anything, I just have no idea what to say (although it'll probably come to me later on and suddenly you'll have three novels and a spin-off Netflix series worth of a letter). I guess I should probably start with hi! Hello! ¡Hola! Ciao! I'd ask how you've been but I think it's kind of self explanatory... a n y w a y. I guess maybe I should just... start right where things left off (if it turns out that I've said something really touchy and ruined our friendship forever, burn this letter and then come slap me in the face when you get out [or slap me in the face with the letter- that would be more interesting]).

Okay so first off, I got a cracked rib from that huge fight, so I'm out of sparring for... who knows how long, but at the time I'm writing this, it's getting a lot better. Truth be told, I don't even know if I want to go back to sparring... I don't know, I digress, I was really scared about medical bills and stuff because you know that I'm still at the tail end of paying off the ones for my mom, but it was okay because Mr LaRusso ended up paying them off. Okay I realize now that he's the last person you want to hear about but it's too late for me to start this over so you're stuck with me and my mistakes.

Anyway, I was at the hospital and my abuela showed up!! I hadn't seen her in months since that day, so it was great. She's here taking care of me, which is relevant because of this next part.... my dad showed up too. At the hospital. He's in rehab, just like your mom... he tried to call me 'mija' which means 'my daughter'. I told him that he can't just show up and call me his daughter after all the shit he did to me... then I told him to- and I quote- "stay out of this hospital room and stay out of my life"... I can't stop thinking about it... do you think I was too harsh or something? I mean, I think he deserved a damn wake up call, but I can't help but feel bad...

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