43- Awkward Ride

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None of us really say anything. This is awful. At least I've vowed to never drink while out so what happened to my brothers never happens to me or anyone else.. it's nice that I'm guaranteed to be able to drive.

"Miguel I'll take you home first because I know where it is," I say. I'm really just trying to avoid talking to Hawk for as long as possible. The last thing I said to him was technically a pointed comment about losing to Miyagi-Do at the mall, but besides that, it was just saying sorry... after kicking his ass...

"Thanks for driving us... I know we're the last people you would want to do this for," Miguel says. I shift in my seat, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"I wouldn't say 'we'..." I say, my voice tight. I hear Hawk sigh but don't acknowledge it. I just look forward and focus on the road.

"Has your knee been hurting? My mom told me to ask again because she knows you train on it," Miguel asks after a solid stretch of pure silence. Of all the questions he could've asked, that's the one he goes for?

"I think it's stable again, although I do notice it hurting if I go too hard. Other than that, it's fine, which is good. Last thing I want for a new school year is a bummed knee," I say. Thank goodness for Ms Diaz and Mr LaRusso.

"That's good, I'll tell her not to worry," he replies. Nice. I love that she's worried about me. It makes me feel loved, in a way.

"How's karate going?" I ask, just to fill the silence.

"It's going great, yeah. Sensei Lawrence seems a lot better now that Kreese is gone," Miguel says, "what about you? How are those chores going for you?"

"Laugh it up Diaz, but if I remember correctly, I kicked your ass in our rematch," I say, laughing a little, "but things are actually going really good."

"How come we didn't get a rematch?" Hawk asks, finally saying something. He can't be serious.

"Didn't we? Not exactly the way you thought my thighs would be wrapped around your head, hmm?" I retort, glancing at him in the rear view mirror. He can consider that payback for the awful shit he said to me during our match at the All Valley and in the cafeteria on the last day of school. It still makes me want to crawl out of my own skin sometimes. Miguel looks terrified and confused. Hawk looks pissed. And nobody says a word.

"Thanks again for driving us. My mom would thank you too, but I think she would kill me if she found out about the cops," Miguel says as I pull up to his apartment.

"Yeah... mine would too.." I say, "but tell her I said 'hola'."

"Will do," he replies with a smile, "bye Parker."

I wave a goodbye as he gets out of the car. To my surprise and confusion, Hawk follows him. What? I thought they were a separate deal. I realize now that I am really stupid and that I definitely should have done this the other way around. I curse at my flawed logic, then slip off the cardigan, as the still damp cloth on my arm bothers me. I should probably call Robby... I'll do it when I get back... wherever I'm going.. to my slight surprise and also slight dismay, Hawk gets back in the car, this time taking shotgun.

"I haven't moved, but you need my address?" He asks. I still have it from when we were still friends...

"No, I got it," I reply, pulling out my phone. I take a second to remember the route I used to take and what it is relative to where I am right now. Okay... I just need to get to that checkpoint and I know where it is from there. I pull out of the apartment complex, then set off.

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