3- You're in this Together Whether You Like it or Not

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Mr LaRusso didn't really give me a lot of instruction or indication as to where we're going or what we're doing... all he said was 'bring water and uh- maybe some bandaids, and just follow my car'. Very vague. A little concerning. The scenery is beautiful though. The trees are striking. If I wasn't slightly worried that he was gonna bring me to the woods to murder me, I'd be a little more excited. Maybe I need to stop watching so much true crime.

We finally pull to a stop in a small clearing. I'm kinda confused as to what being here has to do with karate, but I guess I'll find out soon. I step out of the car, backpack with water, snacks, and bandaids in hand.

"Why the hell are you-" someone exclaims, pinning me against my car. Ay Dios mío! What the hell?! Robby?

"Park Reyes?" He asks, backing off. My heart pounds. That was absolutely terrifying, and completely unnecessary.

"Robby Keene?" I ask in return, copying his speech pattern. I would like an explanation as to why he thought it was necessary to pin me to my car and hold his fist up to presumably punch me in the face, but you know, dramatic introduction first, right?

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Karate, you?"

"Same thing,"

Hold on, ¿qué (what)? We both turn to Mr LaRusso. By the looks of it, he didn't tell Robby that he's training me, and he certainly didn't tell me about Robby.

"Sorry I didn't say anything before. You two seem to know each other. You'll be training in my karate together. If that's gonna be an issue, I need to know," Mr LaRusso says. Of course we know each other. We've been coworkers for a solid month or so now. Mr LaRusso is the one who told me to go back and work with Robby, of course we know each other.

"If getting pinned against my car is gonna become a thing, then I'll have an issue," I say, tone a little pointed. I'd rather train alone if this is what he's gonna be like. I want to expand upon what I already know, to elevate my tae kwon do knowledge with the skills, techniques, and style that comes with karate. I don't need someone who's gonna pin me to the side of my car and hold me back, no offense to Robby. I'd think the same no matter who it was.

"I thought you were some creep who was following us. I'm sorry," he replies. Okay... That's valid enough...

"Apology accepted," I'm gonna get him back in some way or another. That sounds awful, but it won't be bad. It's not like I'm gonna kill him. I'll just up show him or take him down in a spar later on or something.

"Come on, let's get going. Did you bring those bandaids Parker?" Mr LaRusso asks. Robby looks confused and a little concerned. The feeling is mutual.

"Yeah, I always have bandaids. Why?" I ask in return. I'm incredibly clumsy and prone to things like paper cuts and whatnot, and while my spacial awareness has improved in the past few years, it's still not great, so doorframes, table legs, corners, etc are a nightmare. And I'm still awful at picking and biting at my fingers when I get stressed, and they either bleed or I cover them to stop myself from making them bleed. Bandaids are always a must in my life.

"Just in case," he replies, and with that, we set off into the forest.

"You hear that?"


"You hear that? I want you both to close your eyes and just listen,"

I obey, closing my eyes and taking in the sound of nature. The leaves rustle gently in the trees. The water from the lake crashes in soft waves where the land meets the water. Robby breathing next to me, neither heavy nor light.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now