78 - Leap of Faith

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"Jesus Christ, Parker!"

I shoot awake, backing myself against the wall as my hands fly to protect my face and torso. Ay caramba... it's just Mr LaRusso...

"Did you sleep here?" he asks, seeming more concerned than confused. I don't want to lie to him... I nod, relaxing a little in one sense, but tensing up in another.

"Did something happen? You should've come to the house, we still have that cot, and the home dojo is always open for you."

"I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep so I came here... I must've fallen asleep. I'm sorry, I should've asked, or went to you, or-"

"Nah, don't worry about it. I trust you," he says, smiling over at me as he sets his bag down, "you wanna know what I'm having the Eagle Fangs doing?"

He seems so excited to tell somebody. I was just gonna ask Miguel because I know he'll tell me, but this is way better. Despite everything that's happened in past less than twelve hours, I smile, standing up to join him.

"Sì, por favore (yes, please)," I respond. His smile widens.

"Va bene!"


"Where is he taking us?" Nate pants as we climb up what feels like the millionth flight of stairs. Catching koi in the pond is starting to sound a lot more appealing now...

"Nowhere good," Demetri says back, leaning against the the rail, "I heard he drowned a kid in a pool trying to teach him how to kick, and that was he sicced a rabid dog on Eli. This does not bode well."

He's got a point, but all we've done so far is climb stairs. I'd be lying if I said my legs didn't hurt, but one perk of getting your ass kicked in show choir and dancing for hours a week on top of your martial arts training is that you build up some leg muscle and stamina. I keep climbing the stairs, as Mr Lawrence is at least a whole flight ahead of us.

"Let's go, Miyagis, move your asses!" Mr Lawrence calls. Ay caramba. They're gonna hate him, assuming they don't already. I just keep trudging forward. It's what I always do...

"Wait up, your majesty! How are you going so fast?" I hear Demetri call after me. Because I actually have leg muscles? I just shrug my shoulders, then I remember he can't see me.

"Weren't you the one that was a track star at the mall? When did my older brother turn into my abuelo?" I respond. My favorite nicknames for him are 'Demi Lovato' because I know he hates it, and 'older brother' because I know it makes him smile. Sometimes I forget that I technically committed fraud at the hospital. I'm surprised it worked. Demetri and I both have dark hair and tall lanky builds, but Demetri has skin comparable to a piece of copy paper, whilst mine is.. not... and our eyes are different. I think that might be a bad trait of mine... when I panic, I sometimes tell strangers lies that don't really harm anyone, but I perhaps I should look into how quickly I turn to lies. Like when I pretend I don't speak English when I ride the bus so people don't talk to me.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now