104 - Stuck in the Middle

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I've been brainstorming potential people who could take custody of me, which basically just means taking inventory of the adults in my life who could, in some capacity or another, take me in.

There's Abuelita and Abuelo, for one, which would be a good option because they're family. Cons are that they live up north, Abuelo's condition is still on the downward trend, and they're older, and I don't know if I'll be able to handle it if either one of them were to die while I was still in their care.

Second choice that would keep things in the family would be to ask Tío Eduardo and Tía Dolores. Then I would be well off for probably the rest of my life, because they're both rich. It would also make me and my cousin siblings of the sorts, which would be weird as hell. Of course, we already have a sibling dynamic of the sorts because she makes passive aggressive comments about me and I wear her hand-me-downs, but that's beyond the point. They also live north of here, and I have trouble believing they would want the trouble child who gets into fights all the time.

Next on the list are the LaRussos. To me, they're the most obvious choice out of my non-family members. They're well off, they have space at their house- although I really wouldn't need them to take me into their home, just maybe check up on me at the apartment every so often and make sure I'm not dead and stuff-, I know them well and they know me, I've worked for them so they know I'm trustworthy, and they already kinda consider me family. That all being said, I just don't know if I could bring myself to ask... Mrs LaRusso and I talk at the dealership when we're in the general vicinity of each other, which is how I stay updated on Mr LaRusso's shenanigans, but I haven't really talked to Mr LaRusso since he disbanded Miyagi-Do... I need to, I've been meaning to, but something about it just... scares me. I'm afraid he'll be mad at me for some reason and I really don't want that. I don't know. If the matter starts pressing on me, maybe I'll just blurt it out, or write it on a piece of paper and somehow slide it to them, but right now, I just don't know how I'd ask for such a monumental favor.

Then of course there's Mr Lawrence, but I don't think that would work for a number of reasons. While he's a good mentor and I trust him more now, I don't think his financial situation is best for supporting a grown ass child, although no matter who takes me in, I still have every intention of working, so that could help. I just don't think any agent would look at his lifestyle and say "oh yeah, he's suitable to care for a child". Plus I know he likes to drink, which is fine I guess, but I don't think I could handle the smell of beer all the time. And then of course there's the biggest thing, which I told him when he first offered to take me in: him having custody of me would make and Robby siblings of the sorts, and I have no idea what the future holds for us, but I do know that for the foreseeable future, we're dating, and I'm not gonna date my technically brother. This is California, not Alabama.

Another trusted adult would be Ms Diaz, but there is no way in hell I would ever burden her with taking custody of me. She would make a great mom though. She already kinda is like the mom I haven't had in four years... and Miguel is already kinda like a brother to me. I consider them family, even if it's not by blood or legally.

Those were the biggest options, although some people that crossed my mind were the Paynes- his mom is never around though, so probably not a good fit-, the Moskowitzs- it would be slightly humorous to have Eli as a brother, and his mom still loves me, but I have no idea how the former would react to it, and I don't really wanna find out-, and the sick twisted part of my brain was like "what if Silver found out and somehow gained custody of you?", which is a terrifying thought. I think Mr LaRusso would have a heart attack if that happened- so would I.

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