21- Patience is a Virtue

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"Hey Mr LaRusso," I say, slipping into the dojo, "I guess connecting with the parents didn't go as well as you hoped."

He sighs, smiling a little as he turns around to face me. I feel bad for him. He's tried so much to bring in students and literally nothing has worked. It's still just me and Sam and Robby. I love our little trio, but I do want to be able to prove to Cobra Kai that we're not a bunch of weaklings or anything.

"You know, you remind me a lot of myself when I was you're age, Parker," he says. What. Really?

"Really?" I ask. What does he mean? How could I be like him? My house is like, one bad earthquake from collapsing. The outside paint is peeling and the only reason we didn't get our power or water shut off is because I had my job at the dealership to pay the bills. How is my life anything like Mr LaRusso's?

"Yeah. It wasn't always beach clubs and nice cars. I moved here from New Jersey when I was around your age. Didn't have a penny to my name. It was just me and my mom, and our car was so bad, you had to push it to get it running. I lived in Reseda just like you do. Went to East Valley high, just like you... Mr Miyagi wasn't looking to teach me karate. I went to him... just like you. You came up to me that day and asked me to teach you. You were confused by my methods. You accidentally walked into drama with Johnny Lawrence. You even look a little like I did. Partially Italian, lanky, tan, dark brown hair... you didn't give up at the All Valley even though your leg was injured. You used my signature move- don't think I didn't miss that.... I just wish I could be like Mr Miyagi for you..." Mr LaRusso says. Wow... I never knew any of that... huh..

"Mr Miyagi sounds like he was a great teacher... but that doesn't mean that you're not. You had me wash windows and wax cars and mop floors and you taught me that lesson about the bonsai tree and that was before I even asked to learn karate. The lesson you taught us on the tree... it's never left me. And I don't think it ever will. I didn't know it at the time, but the tree has been the key to balance in my life ever since it kind of unlocked for me at the tournament. That first lesson you taught us has helped me so many times. I found balance in my martial arts life, I found balance in my personal life, and it's helped me work towards balance in myself. It's stuck with Robby and myself ever since we started doing it. And what you said too. 'You two are in this together whether you like it or not'. We quote it all the time. I don't know exactly what Mr Miyagi was to you, but to me... right now... right now you're the closest thing I've ever known to a dad. You've given me a home, you've given me friends, you've given me a family... and I'll always be grateful. You may not be exactly like Mr Miyagi, and they sound like big shoes to fill, but you're still our teacher, and you're a good one- che ti piaccia o no (whether you like it or not)," I reply. Not me about to cry. I meant what I said.

"Grazie, Parker," he says, the whisper of sincerity in his voice. I can't help but smile as I make for the door.

"No," I say, "thank you."

I join Sam outside, sitting down next to her to stretch. Robby makes his way into the dojo at one point, massaging the back of his head. He told me what happened and showed me the video. He took a whole paddle to the back of the head. Maybe he'll listen to me more now. I told him picking a fight was a bad idea.

Robby and Mr LaRusso walk out after a minute or so, both looking generally content. That's good. It sounds like we're just letting students come to us. I guess it's a good strategy, especially considering the fact that nothing else has worked. I don't mind it just being our little group. We work well with each other. I feel like we've synced in a way. Not that we couldn't do that with new members, but change is always difficult. I would know. For me it feels like things change every month. One day everything is fine, the next my mom is diagnosed with cancer. One day I think things are getting better, the next day she's dead. One day things are looking up for my family, the next my brothers are dead. One day I think my dad won't drink anymore, the next he's drunk. One day I'm scared shitless about competing in a sparring tournament, the next I'm the first place champion. One day I'm against doing karate, the next I'm trying to ask Mr LaRusso to teach me. One day I have no friends, the next I'm training and bonding with Robby. One day I'm just some normal kid taking karate lessons, the next I'm the second place in the All Valley. One day my dad hits me, the next I'm laughing with Robby in the guest house. I'm no stranger to change.

"Excuse me?" Someone asks. We all turn to see who it is. I stand in case of trouble. I may be stupid, but I'm not an idiot. If someone is going to attack me, I will not risk being defenseless... not again..

"Uh, it was unclear if the gate was the front door or if I was supposed to ring the doorbell," they say. Hey I know that kid. Demetri. He's the one who DM'd me saying he wasn't like Hawk and I wouldn't have to worry about him. We were lab partners once. I think. I know that he's Eli's best friend...

"Is that a koi pond? How much does it cost to maintain that?"

"May I help you?" Mr LaRusso asks. Everybody looks confused. What's going on right now?

"Uhh yeah. I wanna learn karate," he replies. Wait what? After all of our failed attempts to bring in students, one just comes strolling right on in. The four of us grin.

"You have come to the right place," Mr LaRusso says. Yay! This is so weird. It's like the day we talk about just being patient and letting them come to us, someone comes! Wow! I blame Mr Miyagi. I didn't even know him, but I think he's watching over us, like some sort of karate god. Thank you, Mr Miyagi.

"We were about to wrap up, but I guess we can do some introductions. What's your name?" Mr LaRusso asks. If we do an ice breaker game I'm running away.

"Oh yeah, I'm Demetri," he says. Confirmation: acquired. He is  the guy that DM'd me and didn't realize we had multiple clases and lunch together.

"Nice to meet you, Demetri. I'm Daniel LaRusso, this is Robby Keene, Parker Reyes, and my daughter, Sam," Mr LaRusso says, motioning to each of us. This is strange. Strange, but nice. We'll be balanced boys-girls wise now.

"I already know all of your names. I go to school with Sam and Parker and I was at the All Valley. I didn't know you had a nickname. Can I call you Park?" He asks. My heart pangs.

"We're not there yet," I answer. Robby looks over at me. He's the only one who consistently calls me Park and... I don't know. It kinda feels like it's our thing, I guess. And... before it was his thing... it was my mom's. I used the nickname at my first tae kwon do tournament because she always knew I could compete and win and it was a way to kind of... honor her. I offered it to Robby in some sort of desperate attempt to move on. I think he's looking at me like that because we definitely both remember me telling him he could call me Park if he wanted to within seconds of meeting him. Robby better not snitch.

"That's fair," he says. Oh thank goodness.

"Sorry that today is so short, but we'll get a good start tomorrow. I'll have you three inside- just work on kata and the wheel and maybe some standalone techniques if you get bored. You guys are free to go whenever you want, just be back at the house by ten, okay?"

"Will do, dad," (Sam)

"We will," (Robby)

"Va bene (okay/alright)," (Parker)

We all stand up, ready to head to our cars to leave. Robby and Sam will more than likely ride together, but I have somewhere to be later, and suspicions rise faster when you go to the house then leave rather than just say you have somewhere to be and then come back later.

"Just a few questions," Demetri says. Oh lord I'm scared.

"Shoot," Mr LaRusso says back.

"What time should I get here, how long is practice, and is there anything I should bring with me?" He asks. All valid questions.

"Get here at 10," (Robby)

"Bring water," (Sam)

"And practice goes as long as it needs to. Anything else?" Mr LaRusso finishes out. Wow, great teamwork guys, phenomenal job.

"When do I get to learn how to flip over people and do kicks through the air?" Demetri asks, glancing over at me. I- wow. Robby actually laughs a little and the other two are grinning.

"Give yourself time, Demetri," I say as I walk by, because saying 'don't count on it anytime soon' would probably be very frowned upon.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now