119 - Scacco Matto

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The EMTs on site looked me over and decided that I'm fine enough to not go to the hospital, gracias a dios, because I really did not want to go back to a hospital, but they did advise me to take it easy for a while and to put ice on any place that aches when I get home, which I was planning on doing anyway. Unfortunately, my hand still hurts from all the jostling and being thrown around and whatnot. I just hope it's healed in time for the Sekai Taikai. I know it won't be healed in time for the Taekwondo All Valley, but I still intend to fight and do patterns just like always, and I intend to win.

"Hey Parker..." Devon says, not meeting my eyes as she walks up to me. My expression softens.

"Hey," I say, trying to keep my voice gentle.

"I'm really sorry. For everything. Silver took over the dojo I was training at and I wasn't gonna join but then... then they started treating me like I could be the next champion... and I still intend to be a champion, but I guess... I guess I didn't realize that Cobra Kai was just using me... and that I couldn't actually beat the real champion..." she explains, "I wanted to go to you after Cobra Kai first came, but I just... I thought you'd be mad at me, and I didn't want to lose you as a friend... I didn't want to give up karate... I didn't want to quit... and I just wanted to make my mom proud..."

Ay bendito... that's what Cobra Kai does. Gets in your head by whatever means necessary and gets you believe whatever narrative they want if it means you'll stay and fight for them.

"Devon... your mom would be so proud of you for the fighter you've become. I still remember when you first came up to me and told me you were joining Eagle Fang. You've come a long way since then, and you still have a long way to go, which is great, because I know you have it in you to be the best there ever was," I say, "I'm just glad you found your way, and I promise that I'll always be here for you if you need me, whether that be for karate, or just as a friend."

She smiles, then attacks me with a huge hug, just like at the All Valley. I laugh a little as I hug her back, letting her go after a few seconds.

"Thanks Parker," she says.

"Always," I respond, and then she smiles once more before walking in Tory's direction. I lean against a car, taking in my surroundings. Emergency vehicles are everywhere. People are walking around, talking to one another. I see a lot of frowns turning into smiles. A lot of hugs. A lot of first steps towards healing.

Then I notice Kenny walking up to me. He keeps his eyes on the ground, most certainly trying to avoid making eye contact. I step away from the car as he reaches me. He doesn't say a word. Just wraps his arms around me tightly, surprising me a little. I return the hug, a little confused, but not angry. Hold on... I swear he's sniffling a little... is he crying..?

"Pollito..? ¿Qué-"

"Not right now..." he says, cutting me off, "please..."

"Okay..." I say back, "okay."

I let him go a few moments later, trying to read his face. He's still not making eye contact. I think he feels guilty or maybe embarrassed... I don't know, whatever it is, I won't pry. We can talk about everything later. Not everything has to happen right this moment. And that's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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