79 - A Falta de Pan, Galleta

592 19 6

There's a reason I always say I'll be okay. It's because I've always proved to myself that that's true. I always pull through, no matter how awful things get. When my mom died, things were incredibly hard, but I kept going and things eventually got easier. When my brothers were killed and I thought my dad was gone too, I had never felt more scared and empty in my life, but I kept going, and things got better- well... they didn't really get better, but they kept going... things got rougher with my dad, and I made it through. Things have been tough with Cobra Kai for months and I'm still here, fighting. Robby left, Miguel was paralyzed, my house got seized, somebody I thought was my friend hurt me, my dad went to rehab, and I kept going. Cobra Kai kept messing with us, which resulted in a huge fight and I kept going. Abuelita lost her job and I kept going.

I found a job that does actually have to do with singing. It's not... exactly what I expected, but it's enough to get the groceries and have some left over, which was the goal. My boss is kind of creepy though... and I'm starting to think he might be a little racist, as he's had many comments about masking what little accent I do have and also about my hair. At this point, I just have to put up with it, because I don't know what other job I'll be able to get in such a short period of time. Like everything else, I'll just keep going, work with what I've got, and I'll make it through.

But right now, I need to work on this engineering project. For the second semester, we're essentially working on a project the entire time, and we have the opportunity to take it to competition if it's good enough. Right now I'm just brainstorming, but I really want to be one of the few that gets to compete. It would be good for my self esteem.

Out of nowhere, my phone buzzes with a text. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I pick it up to check it. It's Kenny? Is everything okay?


-Im sorry for bothering you, but

do you think you could come to my

house after school?

-sorry, I know you're really busy

no, no it's okay!-

i think i've got an hour and a half-

or so after school before i have to

go to work, i could come then


yeah, ofc, is everything okay??-


-i'll tell you when you get to my house

i'll pick you up from school, okay? riding-

the bus sucks

-thanks parker :))))

anytime. i'll see you after school-

I can't help but worry about what's going on. It must not be too urgent, otherwise he would've been more urgent, and he wouldn't wait until after school. It's probably something about bullying, because I told him to tell me if anybody messed with him again. I just hope they didn't push him around or anything... although, sometimes the wounds that hurt the most aren't physically inflicted... no sé (I don't know), I guess I'll figure it out when I pick him up from school...

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now