108 - And It Was All Va Bene

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I open my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the bright lights. ¿Dónde... where am I? My head is pounding. My hand hurts. I look around. Hold on... this is a hospital room... no... no... I can't afford this... what with Abuelita gone, I can barely afford rent and bills and groceries. How am I supposed to afford a hospital bill?

"Oh my god, Park," someone says from my other side, taking my left hand in theirs. I look over sharply, which makes my head hurt worse. "Woah, woah, take it easy."


I relax a little, my fingers curling around his hand. He looks tired... really tired... is he okay? Did Silver hurt him too? This is exactly what I was afraid of...

"Are you okay?" I ask, voice coming out weak. Robby grins, shaking his head a little.

"Now that you're awake? I'm doing amazing," he says, "you were asleep for about fifteen hours. That's gotta be a record for you. You were in critical condition for an hour... the doctors were talking about your lungs like... spazzing out... they had you hooked up to this weird breathing machine for what felt like forever. I don't know if I've ever been that scared in my entire life..."

I've been here for sixteen hours? And I was in critical condition? My heart pangs with guilt. I feel bad for scaring him...

"I'm sorry..." I say quietly, tears pricking at my eyes.

"No no no, Park, you don't have to apologize, it's okay. You're okay. You're gonna be okay now," he says.

"What... what happened? After I called you. How did you know where I was?" I ask. All I remember before blacking out was whispering 'ayuda'. I didn't give a location or any semblance of how urgent the situation was.

"Well when you called without texting first, I knew something was up. Then when you only said one thing then went silent, I knew something was even more wrong. I was chilling with my dad, waiting for you to come back when you called. You said something in Spanish so I ran over to Miguel's apartment and asked him what it meant and he said it meant 'help', so me and my dad and Miguel all got in my dad's van and started driving. I didn't know where you were, so Miguel said to track your location, which you had turned on for something. When we got to the Miyagi-Do dojo, we found you in the back by the punching bag. Your arm was covered in blood... you were breathing, but barely... even after we picked you up and put you in the back of the van, you didn't wake up, which was terrifying because I know how light you sleep. My dad sped here- I'm surprised we didn't get pulled over. Once we managed to get you in, they got you hooked up to a breathing machine. It took an hour, but your condition steadied out enough for them to take you off the breathing machine. They got your hand x-rayed. It's fractured... I haven't slept since we found you..." Robby explains, moving his thumb in gentle circles on the back of my hand, "you've gotten hurt before, and I know you were in the hospital after the fight at the school, and you probably should've come here at least two other times, but it's never been this bad... Park... what happened?"

Ay dios mío... it was that bad..? I have to tell him the truth... this is the lowest he's ever possibly seen me. There's nowhere lower to go. I might as well just come completely clean.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now