75 - Sealed in Permanent Ink

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"How's La Reina doing today?" Miguel asks as I shut my locker door. I knew he was coming. I heard his footsteps. They changed a little after he hurt his back. I noticed it when he was first walking again. I turn to face him. Oh. I thought Sam would be with him. I was gonna ask her if she wanted to hang out outside of school and karate sometime soon. I shrug.

"Feels good to be back at school again, that's for sure. We've got a little over a month until our first competition in show choir and my director is kicking my ass," I say. Definitely nice to know that my ankle and hands are better though. The bruises are basically gone now too, which is great. I hate being in constant pain.

"Aren't you one of the leads?" he asks. I nod. It's a miracle, honestly. I had to work really hard for it. My director came up to me one day and said he really wanted me to have the roll, under the condition that I wouldn't get into any more fights and I kept my grades up. I did both- well, I didn't get into any more fights at school, that is.

"I can't wait to see the show. First dibs on tickets,"

"Yeah right, Abuelita will fight you for them," I say, laughing a little, "¿y tú? How's the one and only Mig Diaz?"

He rolls his eyes, but smiles at me. I love nicknames, both for myself and to call other people by. It just makes it seems so much more... personal.

"Pretty good, I've gotta say. Trying to get Sensei Lawrence and Mr LaRusso to get along is kind of driving me loco, but hopefully they'll figure it out," he responds. He can say that again.

"I don't know what we'll do if they don't. Cobra Kai is only getting stronger... with Robby officially on their side... Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to stick together. I know you don't like him, but Robby isn't an idiot. He knows that we've teamed up, and he knows Miyagi-Do karate just as well as I do. I don't doubt that he'll teach them at least a few things, or at the very least how to counter them. We just... really need everything to work out," I say. I know he's gonna teach them everything he knows... I just hope that my side can pull it together to counter it...

"How are you doing? About Robby I mean. I know you guys were super close..." Miguel asks. I look down at my feet as my face gets hot. Miguel had feelings for me... I'm sure they've gone away by now since he and Sam are back together, but still. I don't feel quite right telling him that Robby and I are together just yet... then he'll know that's why I couldn't kiss him back... 'haha yeah, I know you like me, but I actually had unacknowledged feelings for the guy that put you in a wheelchair' just doesn't sound like something I should say right now.

"It's... weird right now. We still keep in touch. That's how I know about him actually joining Cobra Kai. I'm still trying to figure things out," I say. It's kind of true. I mean, I don't doubt our relationship or anything like that, but I am trying to figure out how being on completely opposing sides is supposed to work.

"Just watch your back, okay? I don't want you to get hurt," he says. My heart pangs. It's nice to know he cares about me... I know Robby won't hurt me. I trust him.

"Don't worry about me, hermano, I'll be okay," I say, "but thanks for-"

"Hey Parker?" somebody says, coming up to my other side. Oh, it's Eli.

"¿Qué pasa?" I return. I wonder what this is about. I would've figured if he was coming up to Miguel and I that he would want to talk to Miguel. What's going on?

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now