46- What Just Happened?

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What... what just happened..? What just happened?! What kind of sick distraction was that?! What the hell is going on...? What... what happened?

As I walk back to where the crowd is, the pain really starts to catch up with me. I know neither running nor doing a grappling technique helped with any of it. I can't believe I got blood on my nice white shirt. It's kinda new too. I've only worn it once before now, and now it's ruined, gosh dang it. I can feel people's eyes on me. I can see them pointing and whispering. I'm the nobody who got into a fight. They don't know me. Maybe they saw me at the All Valley, but what does it matter now? I'm just one of the kids who was in the fight now...

"Were you involved in the fight?" A lady asks with a stern tone, which causes me to jump because I was zoned out to the next level. There's no use lying... it's kind of obvious. I nod, looking down at the floor.

"Alright, what's your name, sweetie?" She asks. Tone shift much?

"Parker Reyes," I say quietly, "I was just trying to protect my friends."

"I understand, but fighting in that manner is still a violation of school rules. Your parents will be notified and you will receive a two week suspension," she says. Two weeks? I've never gotten in this much trouble... the closest I've ever been to this is when I kicked Kyler in the face, but even then the punishment wasn't that severe.

"I understand... I'm sorry ma'am," I say, unsure of what else I'm supposed to say. She gives a short nod, then instructs me to wait in the office with the other problem children.

I sit a few feet away from Sam and Demetri and the other Miyagi-Do kids. The Cobra Kais glare at us. I just keep my arm pressed against my wound and avoid eye contact. Sam is full on crying. I don't blame her. Tears threaten to spill out of my own eyes, though whether from pain or the events I just witnessed is the real question.

People eventually start getting picked up by their parents, which makes my heart pound hard and fast. My dad will have gotten that call... I have to get out of here before he gets here... I stand up a little too fast, pretending to look at my phone as if I just got a message. My head spins, but I push past it as I walk up to the counselor by the door.

"My dad is here to pick me up," I say, mustering up as much confidence as I can. She nods, and motions for me to walk out. And that's what I call the art of deceit. I'm a little surprised that they're not gonna see me out to the car, but at this point, I couldn't be more grateful for that fact.


After much debate, I finally decided on a place to come to. Logical choices would've been my house, the LaRusso's house, or probably the hospital, but I'm not really thinking logically right now. It's kind of hard when everything hurts so bad.

I take deep breaths as I get out of my car, first aid kit in hand. I may be stupid, but I'm not stupid enough to leave wounds un-cleansed or un-bandaged, even if they probably require actual medical attention. There are multiple places where I've felt safe and like I can really just relax and do what I'm there to do, like the dealership- up until now, my piano lesson place, the tae kwon do school... places like that. But here... here I've felt truly alive...

I stumble into the Miyagi-Do dojo, falling into a corner. I want to start crying so bad right now, but I know that I need to get this wound cleaned out and bandaged before it gets infected or something. It's a bad cut...

I wince and clench my jaw tightly as I use an alcohol wipe to clean the gashes the best I can, then lay down some gauze pads, securing them in place with medical tape. I don't have any bandaids big enough, and I'd rather not waste my entire supply just for this one wound. Finally, I lay back, using my jacket as a pillow, as to not scrunch up the wound. At least not too much.

Tears start slipping down my cheeks and the sides of my face. I can't believe what happened at the school... I can't believe Tory would fight Sam in such a public setting. I can't believe Sam kissed Miguel. I can't believe I actually had to fight multiple people, on school grounds no less. I can't believe I had my nose broken again. I can't believe what Hawk said to me. I can't believe that Tory cut me. I can't believe that Robby kicked Miguel over the railing. I can't believe I got suspended. I can't believe that Robby came hairs away from kissing me...

I know it was just a trick to get me to let him go or maybe it was his way of getting back at Sam for what she did... but... but what if it wasn't? What if it was real? What if all those times I thought we were just... friends... no... no, he's with- or at least was with- Sam. I'm just.. making up things to try and make sense of what happened, like I always do. Ay bendito, I wish I could just turn off my stupid brain!

Sobs overtake my body, causing my whole torso to burn and ache. I retrieve the ice pack from the first aid kit, gently placing it over where my ribs hurt the most. It hurts to move. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to exist right now, and not just physically. Everything was going good... everything was gonna be okay. This year was supposed to be my fresh start, and Robby's too, come to think of it. It was supposed to be va bene... but now... now...

My head continues to swarm with thoughts until exhaustion and pain finally take over, doing an effective job of knocking me right out with one question prevailing above the others... what just happened..?

• • •

A/N- dang.

stay safe and take care of yourselves 

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