71- Feliz Navidad

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I've been bouncing around the apartment for hours getting things ready. It's 4:45 in the morning. I haven't had a good Christmas since my mom died. Hopefully this one will be better. This will be my second Christmas without my brothers... and my first without my papá... but it's my first Christmas with Robby, and that's something good. Ay, I'm so excited! Abuelita is so excited to meet him. I told her that I met with him a few days ago and what our plan is and she got super excited.

However, she was not excited when I told her about the fight at the LaRusso's house. When she saw me limping, she immediately knew something was up. Then she saw my hands... I've never heard anyone else other than myself talk as fast as she did in that moment, and 80% of it was swearing. We left Robby's bandages on for the night, then she worked her magic on them. They're feeling a lot better. Tender, but a lot better. If my hands don't heal soon, I'll be pissed, because they've had the combined efforts of Ms Diaz, Robby- and by extension Mr Miyagi- and Abuelita. Same with my ankle. It still hurts a little, but not nearly as bad as it did, and it doesn't feel like it's gonna re-twist like it did a few days ago. The bruises still hurt. Sleeping is a nightmare, and the one on my upper thigh is a pain, especially because I ran into the corner of the counter yesterday and it hurt like hell.

I plug in the Christmas tree, adjusting a bow on one of gifts as I move away. I want everything to look nice. Last year, the most we did for christmas was put up a tree, and I could never plug it in because my dad would yell at me for wasting electricity. I cross over to a box of fake poinsettias that sits on the couch, hanging them around the kitchen and the living room. Poinsettias are my Abuelo's favorite. I guess liking red plants is a family thing. Abuelita's favorite flower is red flor de maga. My older brother, René, always loved poppies. My favorite is red roses. And speaking of Abuelo, he's doing a lot better. It's like... a holiday miracle. He's off the ventilator and now my Tía Dolores and my Tío Eduardo are staying with him so Abuelita could come back and be with me. They sent back Christmas gifts, which I am excited to open. They're really sweet people. They ended up a lot better than my dad... they're kind of like the perfect family. My cousin is like the example of perfection. She's a year older than me. We were really similar... until my mom died. I had to grow up. She didn't. I love them, but I don't like to think about it too much.

"¡Buenos días mi nieta! ¡Feliz Navidad!" Abuelita exclaims. I can't help but grin wide.

"¡Feliz Navidad!" I exclaim back in a whisper.

"¡El apartamento se ve hermoso! (the apartment looks beautiful!)" she says, looking around. It's not bad, if I do say so myself. The reds really add a pop of color that the apartment needs for the holiday season. I even put a tiny little star on top of my bonsai tree. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen- other than Robby.

"¡Gracias! I found those in the closet. I know poinsettias are Abuelo's favorite..." I say, "and Robby should be here soon. Sorry if I woke you up. I'm just... ¡muy emocionado! (very excited!)"

She grins, ruffling my hair a little.

"Abuelita," I laugh, trying to fix it. She laughs as well.

"I am muy emocionado too. I know he means a lot to you. I can't wait to meet him!" she says. I grin even wider, face flushing with heat.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora