30- We're Gonna Fix This

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"Where were you?" Mr LaRusso asks as I walk up to where he, Robby, and Sam stand.

"Same place you were," I respond. He can't get mad because he did the same thing and if he gets mad then that would make him a huge hypocrite. I don't meet his gaze as he stares at me. I've exhausted my confidence batteries for the day, and maybe even for tomorrow. I want to curl up in a ball and cry. Maybe be completely numbed. Completely numbed while curled up in a ball, crying.

"You know what? You three go home early. We'll pick back up tomorrow. It's not like we can do any training because of those bastards," Mr LaRusso says, his voice tapering off a little towards the end. Robby, Sam, and I exchange looks.

"Are you sure dad?" Sam asks. I don't want to leave if he's not sure.

"Yeah.. just- just take a day off. Get some rest, take your minds off... this," he responds. He sounds distant... like his head isn't here. I can't blame him. Mine isn't exactly here either.

"Okay... we'll see you when you get home," Sam says, and with that, the three of us walk to our respective cars. Robby rides with Sam, while I slide into my own car. I watch as the two of them drive off, but for some reason I can't make the move to put the car in 'drive' and follow them. I want to go back the house do I can so be alone or talk things through with Robby, but... I don't know... I don't feel right leaving Mr LaRusso alone... I know he told us to go home, but the dojo has been completely defaced and disgraced... I have a feeling this place has been just what it has to me for him. I know senseis are supposed to always be there for their students.. but students need to be there for their senseis too.

I get out of my car, walking back through the dojo, taking great care not to step on anything.

"Mr LaRusso?" I ask quietly, stepping through the broken door. Maybe we can fix it...

"You can go home, Parker, it's okay," he says. I can hear the tears in his voice. I feel awful.

"I'm not gonna sit around and do nothing while the dojo looks like this. I want to help,"

"You don't have to do that. I've got it covered. We'll get the big stuff tomorrow. You need some rest," he insists. I don't want to be annoying... but he can't make me leave. Miyagi-Do is like my home. I won't stand idle when it's in this state. I don't say anything. I just pick up a trash bag and get to work. The toilet paper is easy enough to get. It would've sucked if it had rained after they did all this. Mr LaRusso sighs. He can sigh all he wants. I'm staying.

"You went to the Cobra Kai dojo?" Mr LaRusso asks after a few minutes of pure silence. My heart pangs. I just nod and continue to pick up trash.

"You didn't start any fights did you?"

"You didn't teach us to start fights," I reply. He stops, turning to look at me. I don't look back, but my face is hot. When I don't look back for a few moments, he turns back to his work. Words burn on my tongue. Words I know I need to tell him. Words that he needs to know, whether he wants to believe it or not.

"Johnny Lawrence had nothing to do with the physical trashing of the Miyagi-Do dojo," I say, standing completely still. He looks up sharply.

"Don't tell me you bought that bullshit he was selling," he says, seeming genuinely exasperated. I set the bag down, turning to him. I knew he wouldn't believe me.

"I can't afford bullshit Mr LaRusso. I know that he and Miguel Diaz had nothing to do with it,"

"The same Miguel Diaz that targeted your already injured knee to win the All Valley?"

"He apologized for that,"

"When? Over an Instagram DM?"

"In person, a week after the last day of school. He messaged me saying he wanted to talk to me, in person, and I told him I wouldn't until my knee had improved so I would at least stand a chance if I got in a fight. His mom is an x-ray technician, so she was able to help me with my knee. We talked through everything that happened at the tournament and he apologized. I know Miyagi-Do as a whole isn't his biggest fan but you have to trust me," I say, finally admitting to someone that Miguel has apologized to me for his actions. I pray he doesn't share that information with anyone else.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now