5- I've Got it All Under Control

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"Where are we going?"

"Don't ask questions. I just need to make a stop, and then we'll head to the tournament in time to change into our uniforms with time to spare,"

"We don't have uniforms,"

"Just let me work my magic, Keene,"

We spent the next hour after we decided to compete to work out the logistics of everything, snack on some cookies I made on Thursday, and chat a little more before going to sleep. It have me plenty of time to work out how the hell I was gonna get a uniform for Robby. I'm just using one of my own from tae kwon do- one without any tae kwon do symbols- well, there is one, but it's pretty small and it's just embroidered in on one of the sleeves. I went with a short sleeved one, just because they're easier to move in. I woke up early so I could tackle the belt situation. I just used electrical tape to cover my name and the tae kwon do stuff on my second degree belt for Robby, and just the tae kwon do stuff on mine. I know it's a little risky keeping my name and the 'III'- which symbolizes my rank- uncovered, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

"Where are we-"

"Ah ah ah, no questions. Leave this to me,"

"You're not doing anything illegal are you?"

"I'm already technically breaking the law by driving you around without an adult in the car. I'm above theft though. This'll only take a minute," I say, and with that, I get out of the car, half sprinting into the tae kwon do school. They're not open for class today, but I know they're here for sign ups and to get work done, so it's all good.

"Hey, Miss Reyes! What brings you here?"

I smile and wave at my instructor, Mr. Abelardo. He's been my instructor since the very start, and he's my favorite, but the others don't need to know that.

"I can answer questions on Monday, but could I possibly borrow a uniform? Used, unused, I don't care, just like a plain white uniform? I'll wash and return it," I ask. I spent the car ride working up the courage to do so. He kinda gives me a weird look. Oh no... ay de mí, maybe this wasn't as good of an idea as I thought.

"What size?" He asks regardless. Yes! Let's see... Robby isn't that much taller than I am and mine is hemmed and a little big on me, so the same size should work.

"Uhm... just the same as mine," I reply. He turns back to where the white doboks are kept and after a second or so of looking through, retrieves the target size.

"Does this work?" He asks, handing it to me.

"Yep! Thank you so much, it means a lot," I say, tucking it under my arm. This is great. I love being a long term student he knows he can trust.

"You owe me an explanation Monday; I won't forget," he says.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing anything bad. See you guys on Monday, thanks again!" I call as I head to the door, and with that and a bow, I walk out of the building, taking off the packaging as I do so to make it seem less suspicious. Mission accomplished! I'm too good.

"Here," I say, throwing the uniform at Robby as I get back in the car, "I told you, I had it covered."

I start the car and we head off for the All Valley karate tournament.

"How did you- hey there's only one. What about you? You're not bailing on me are you? I thought we were in this together whether we like it or not," he says, looking up at me. I look over at him as well stop at a red light.

"I'm not bailing, I have things covered. Really Robby, I think you doubt how much I over thought these things last night," I say, turning back to the road as the light turns green. It's true, at one point I felt like I was gonna be absolutely sick, and it's coming back a little. I'm not used to impulsive things like this.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang