6- The Girl in the Dragon Gi

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"Alright, you know the rules. First to three points wins," our referee says, "face me, bow, face each other, bow. Ready?"

This is it...

It's time.

"And.. fight!"

"I won my first match!" Robby exclaims as we meet up on the sidelines. That's amazing!

"I knew you would!" I respond, laughing a little in excitement, "I won mine too."

"No surprise there. Where are you going now?"

"Mat five, you?

"Mat one,"

"Same thing as last time?" I ask, straightening out my uniform to get ready to go to my next match.

"Yep. Congrats on the win!"

"You too! I'll see you after this match. Good luck,"

"Good luck,"

We back fist bump, then set off for our next matches.

I got to go against a guy in a blue gi who had a really over enthusiastic mom. I guess he was last year's winner, so it felt nice to beat him. I scored a point on him, he got one on me, I got two points to win the match on him.

My heart races and excitement and fear and so many other things runs through my body all at once and I have no idea how to describe it, but sky diving has gotta be similar. I run right into Robby in my haste to try and find him.

"How'd you do?" He asks, seeming generally excited.

"I won- round kick to the face, easy points. ¿Y tú? (and you?)"

"Got him with a front kick to the face- easy points," he replies, imitating my words, which gains a smile from me, "where are you going now?"

"Mat one,"

"That's where Mr LaRusso is... he watched me the entire time.."

"Oh shit... where are you going?"

"Mat three,"

"Nice, nice. Okay, let me know how it goes. Kick some ass, Keene!"

"You kick ass too, Reyes,"

I stand ready, knowing Mr LaRusso is staring at me, but not daring to look back. My heart pounds in my ears and my stomach is doing somersaults. I'm not focused... I'm panicking.. okay, okay, calm down, calm down, balance... balance... I close my eyes and remember training in near perfect unison with Robby and Mr LaRusso, the three of us all looking over at each and grinning. I know these techniques, and I may be trained extensively in tae kwon do, but I know karate. I am good at karate.


She makes the first move, leading with a round kick. I side step, round kicking on my way out, managing to score on her. Yes!

"Point, Reyes!" the referee exclaims, and I swear I see Mr LaRusso make a "yes!" motion. I can't help but smile a little to myself as I return to my spot.

As we go again, I take defensive, studying how my opponent fights. She's Cobra Kai. She's offensive. Her techniques are quite good, but slower. ¡Ay caramba! Before I know it, she's taken me down and punched me in the stomach. Two points for the takedown... okay... my turn...

I return to my spot, taking a deep breath both to unwind myself and gain focus. I need something worth two points... something... something.. I got it.

"And.. fight!"

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang