111 - Star Student

382 17 4

"So you're telling me that last summer I could've been getting here early with you and we've could've been making out for at least sixty percent of that time?" Robby asks as we break a kiss. My face flushes with heat. Okay-

"Okay, reduce that number to like, thirty-one percent, because you and I both know that I would've insisted on actually warming up and running kata," I respond, "and technically it's not entirely your fault that we weren't, because I repressed the fact that I liked you because I was so certain you just liked Sam, that I was completely oblivious to the pretty obvious signs that you liked me, so no moves were made."

He grins his stupid contagious grin at me before kissing me in between the eyebrows.

"Well I happen to love my girlfriend, and all of the thirty-one percent of the time I get to spend kissing her during the time that she dragged me here early to warm up," he says, "even if she was a little clueless to the fact that I was in love with her for months."

I roll my eyes but smile as I try- and fail- to hide the fact that my face is about the same temperature as the sun. He needs to stop being the way he is right now before people get here and see how him being all soft and lovingly teasing with me makes me melt like soft serve ice cream on a hot summer evening. I have a reputation to uphold here.

"Okay first of all, aww, and second, I told you you didn't have to come so I think 'dragged' is a little dramatic," I say, "but I don't have to bring you next time if you don't want. Guess I'll just have to spend that thirty-one percent of time that we could be kissing and that other sixty-nine percent of time stretching and doing patterns with my boyfriend all alone. Shame."

"Hey hey hey, I never said I didn't want to come,"

"Well that works out great, because I love having you here," I say, "now c'mon, I think we should do some stretches, because I don't wanna pull anything within days of being back at karate."

"Sounds like a great plan," Robby agrees, joining me as I sit on one of the decks, "one more kiss first?"

Dios mío, he's cute. I give him a slight look.

"One more," I say, giving in. He grins, then shifts over to me for one last kiss before we focus back on karate. This is nice. Really nice. Both the kiss, and having him back here at Miyagi-Do. Just as the kiss deepens a little, I pull away quickly at the sound of a car pulling up.

"Everything okay?" he asks. Oh yeah, everything is fine, I just don't feel like getting caught here alone with my boyfriend while we're in the middle of making out, that's embarrassing.

"Yeah! Yeah, a car just pulled up and I don't exactly feel like someone walking in on us,"

"There was a car?"

"Wait for it..."

As if on cue, a car door closes, and the sound of keys can be heard. Robby looks impressed.

"Why do I ever doubt you?"

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now