99 - Déjà Vu

472 17 10

TW- self destructive behaviors, talk of trauma

"Wait, what do you mean you're leaving?"

"I don't know, my dad just told me five minutes ago that we're going to Mexico,"

"For how long?"

"He didn't say. I guess it's like some sort of father-son bonding thing?"

I nod a little, slightly distraught. I want him to bond with his dad obviously, but with Miguel gone and now him going too? Okay. It'll be okay, I'll be fine. As long as I've got Abuelita at home to keep the peace, I'll be just fine.

"You should probably start getting packed then. You have a bag to use?" I ask, glancing over at the other bedroom, where my Pá resides. He's not awake yet. I can tell because he still snores just as bad as I remember.

"Wait you're okay with this? I thought you were gonna try and stop me, I mean, don't you want someone here right now? With your dad and all, I don't want to just leave you alone," Robby says.

"Mi corazón, I would not get in the way of you fixing your relationship with your dad. I want you to go. One of us has to have a stable relationship with their dad, right?" I ask, laughing lightly at the end to try and mask the fact that my heart is starting to beat faster. I'll be okay. I'll just bake a lot and blast music and train. I'm sure Mr LaRusso won't actually just... give up on Miyagi-Do. Stubbornness is a trait that we both share. So I'll be fine. He smiles weakly at me.

"Only if you're sure you'll be okay," he says. I smile back.

"I'll be alright. I survived without you just fine before- just don't be gone too long and promise you'll come home safe," I say. His smile melts into that side grin of his that I adore so much, which puts some of my anxious thoughts at ease, if but for a few seconds.

"I promise, your majesty," he says, taking my hands in his as he steps closer to me, "although maybe I should be the one telling you to be safe."

"¿Y para qué?" I ask, feigning shock and surprise.

"You get into fights all the time, especially while I was in juvie,"

"It wasn't all the time,"

"For someone who doesn't like to fight, I feel like you fight a lot,"

"Okay listen-"

"I'm messing with you, babe," he says, moving his hands to my forearms. I roll my eyes but smile at him.

"Ay, just go get packed," I say. He chuckles and starts to move away, but in a last minute decision, I pull him back in for a quick kiss, then let him go. He grins, which makes me feel like everything will be va bene. Yeah. Everything will be va bene. Even though Miguel is gone and Robby is leaving and Cobra Kai is set to take over the Valley and I still don't know exactly where I stand with all of my friends considering I left them high and dry at the tournament and actually fought against them and my dad is back and nothing really seems to go right for me for more than a few days, I still have good things in my life. I've got tae kwon do, I've got Abuelita, I've got Mr LaRusso's refusal to give up- I'll be okay. I'll be va bene.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now