28- A Bitter Truth

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"It was just like we were back at the pond!"

"We just flowed together without even thinking!"

"That take down you did was awesome, Sam!"

"Oh my gosh so was yours! And that kick you helped Robby do was so cool!"

"Hey hey hey!" Mr LaRusso says, rushing up to us, "Mom told me. You guys okay?"

"Yeah yeah dad, we're fine,"

"Alright good, good. What.. what happened?"

"Well they were gonna hurt Demetri.." Sam says. Robby and I nod. I will not let my friends get hurt.

"Are you mad at us...?" I ask quietly, looking up at him with wide eyes. I really don't want him to be mad at us. I don't have anywhere else to go and neither does Robby and-

"No.. No, non sono pazzo (no, I'm not mad). I'm proud of you! Karate isn't only about self defense, it's about protecting others," Mr. LaRusso says, "just don't give me a heart attack like that ever again, alright? I mean, just because we train to fight, doesn't mean I want to see you in a fight. And you guys..." he says, crossing over to where Robby and I sit, placing a hand on each of our shoulders, "I'm glad you're a part of this family."

With that, he goes over to talk to Demetri. I can't help but grin. I'm glad you're a part of this family... so am I. I'm so glad I took up the job at the dealership. I'm so glad I asked to learn karate. I'm glad I came here after my dad hit me. I'm so glad I'm a part of this family.

"So where did you learn that takedown, Parker?" Sam asks. Does everyone forget that I do tae kwon do?

"A lot of people call it the Black Widow takedown because of the character's use of it, but me and this guy at tae kwon do have been learning it for show at a competition we have coming up," I say. It's like, next week and my school is opening the competition because I was the champion last year. The guy I'm doing it with- Cameron- is the obvious choice to do it with me, as he's slightly older, and quite experienced. They've had to postpone the tournament so many times this year, hence why all divisions are competing the same day, instead of like last year where sparring was the week after. I'm competing in musical forms, regular forms, board breaking, and sparring.

"You have a competition?" Robby asks. Oh right, I haven't told them yet.

"Yeah, next week," I reply. I'm so excited but so devastatingly nervous.

"We can come watch you!" Sam says brightly. Ay, that's nerve racking. I laugh a little.

"At least have someone get a video," Robby says. I think he's picked up on my anxiety.

"Don't worry, someone will," I say, "someone will."


"Park? Are you asleep?" I hear Robby whisper. I never went to sleep. I can't.

"Yeah," I reply, "might as well be dead."

I hear rustling, then the lights flick on.

"Move your legs," he says. I groan. My legs are sore from where I got thrown into a table. He moves them for me and sits down anyway.

"Cabrón," I say as I sit up, letting my eyes readjust to the light.

"I think I'm still on an adrenaline high. I can't sleep," he says. I've been thinking too much about too much.

"Same here... I just can't believe... I don't know... there's a lot," I say. I do know. I can't believe how much Eli has changed. You'll always be a loser... I can't help but be reminded of the words of my father... you've always been a loser... I am a loser... I guess that much I can be sure of...

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