114 - Don't Have the Luxury

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Mr Lawrence and all the boys went back to the LaRussos' house to celebrate at least not being told no, and for the great presentation, leaving Mr LaRusso, Mr Toguchi, Sam, and I at the Miyagi-Do dojo. I feel sick to my stomach. The moment I hear the final car leave, I turn to Mr LaRusso.

"Sam should fight for us," I say before anyone else can say anything.

"Woah woah woah, what?" Sam asks.

"Let's not rush into a decision here," Mr LaRusso says.

"There's no decision to be made. Sam should fight, end of story," I retort.

"Parker, you've beat Tory before- don't give me that look. You know better than anyone that you should've won that fight. You have the most experience out of all of us," Mr LaRusso says.

"And can fight with one hand- impressive," Mr Toguchi adds. It won't mean shit in this fight. I need both of my hands.

"I can fight with one hand when people go easy on me," I return, "and Sam, are you not at all offended by the fact that apparently me with a fractured hand is somehow a safer bet than you in perfect health?"

"Parker, you beat me at the All Valley, fair and square," Sam says. And I'd do it again if she ever decides to target me in ways she knows I've been traumatized in the past. Okay, that thought was a little harsh.

"You scored on me twice, and I had both of my hands,"

"Yeah but once you decided to fight me like an opponent and not as your friend, you won. And we all know you beat Tory. You're the best option," Sam says. I don't know why she's trying so hard to fight me on this one. What with the way she's been lately, I figured she would've jumped on the opportunity pretty quickly.

"And I'm sure you've only gotten better since the tournament," I say back. I know that's pretty rich coming from me, but I don't care.

 "Says the one who's been training almost nonstop since then,"

"And says the one who's probably wanted her chance to shine ever since the All Valley. Let's face it Sam, me fighting unaffiliated was your chance to prove to your dad and everyone else that you were the better fighter. You were mad at me at the All Valley, and I know there has to be some part of you that wants to fight tomorrow. You and Tory have the most history. This is your fight, not mine,"

"Everybody knows you're the better fighter, Parker, stop trying to be so humble. I want to take down Cobra Kai, but they're not afraid of me, you know why? Because of you. In every fight, you're always there to save the day, even when you don't even start it. You fought by yourself at the All Valley and almost won. It doesn't matter if I think I'm better because everyone else knows you are. You're the only one who actually intimidates any of the Cobras," she shoots right back. There's a lot to unpack there, but I don't have time for any of it.

"Last time I scared Cobra Kai, I ended up with a fractured hand,"

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now