68- Where Were You?

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Robby and I had a great time yesterday. It was... I don't know. It felt almost perfect. Like all the problems and bad things currently happening couldn't touch us, if but for a few hours. He ultimately decided that staying at my apartment was too risky in terms of running into his dad or, any of the Diaz family, but namely Miguel. It took like half an hour of convincing on his part, but I dropped him off at a bus stop around eight p.m..

I invited him to the tournament today and I'm super excited. He should be here in a half hour or so, but I told him that if he only wanted to come for the later portion, then that was okay too, but there wouldn't be a guarantee that I would be fighting in fights then, so he could also be here later in the afternoon or evening. No matter what time, he promised he would be here to cheer me on or lift my spirits if I were to lose, but he said he didn't see that happening. I'm really glad that he'll be here. I've been wanting him to come to a tae kwon do tournament and since it didn't work out last time, I figure today is perfect. And I was looking forward to having Abuelita here to cheer me on, but given the situation, she obviously can't make it, so having somebody here period will be super comforting, which is something I desperately need.

I stretch with my peers in our designated warm up area, doing a front split, as I normally do, thinking about what sort of strategies I should, and shouldn't, use in my matches.

"What happened to you, Miss Reyes?" Mr Abelardo asks upon seeing the discoloration on my neck and collarbones, "did someone hurt you?"

My face goes red hot. Por el amor de Dios- damn it Robby. I told him to make them in places my uniform would cover, save the first one, which I could've made up some excuse for. This is literally so embarrassing.

"Those aren't bruises. Who knew Kata of all people would be the one to get spicy before a tournament?" Cameron says. My faces goes redder. I smack him in the arm.

"If we spar, I'm literally going to kick your ass," I say, deepening my stretch to really stick it to him.

"Language, Miss Reyes,"


"Who's the guy?" Cameron asks, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Like I'd ever tell you," I respond.

"Aw come on, we were demonstration partners, doesn't that give us like some sort of special bond?"

"Not special enough for me to disclose the private details of my life to you after the comment you made,"

"I really thought there was something there,"

"Qué lástima," I reply, giving him the classic sarcastic face scrunch smile.

"What does that mean?" Cameron asks Mr Abelardo.

"It means 'what a pity'," he translates. Cameron gives me a look, which I return before standing up, extending a hand to him as well. He takes it, and I help him to his feet.

"So what does he look like?"


And that one he doesn't have to ask Mr Abelardo to translate, because I say it to him all too often.


I've made it all the way through to the final, and it finally feels like all the effort and training I've done has proven itself. Cameron and I actually did almost have to fight, but he and his opponent were 2-2 and he took a- questionably legal- hit to the head, losing the match. I think he's okay... I'm not sure though... I'll have to check on him after this... but that's not the pressing matter at hand. I'm down 2-1 and my opponent doesn't show any signs of lessening in intensity.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now