102 - This Taught Me Patience

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"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty," someone says, startling me awake. I shoot up, which causes everything to ache. Who- right, Miguel, of course. I was having a good dream too. Robby was in it, and he wasn't getting hurt. Plus I think we kissed a few times. Perfect dream.

"Cabrón," I groan, eyes adjusting to the light, "what time is it?"

"Almost noon. Shit, you don't have work do you?" he asks. I'm not stupid enough to not set an alarm for work when I have morning shifts.

"Not until two. My alarm would've gone off if I had a morning shift," I say, starting to stand up, but he stops me.

"Woah, take it easy. You're still all beat up. One good night of sleep isn't gonna fix that," he says. I know that, but I have work later so I kinda have to pretend like it does. I just groan again and pick up my phone. Dios mío, I have so many texts I still need to go through.

"Jeez, you're popular," Miguel says. I laugh a little, even though doing so makes my body ache.

"I don't think anybody has ever said those words to me in my entire life," I say, "and I'm not, they're just texts that I haven't answered since the tournament."

"You really haven't texted everyone since the tournament?" he asks.

"Yeah..." I say, scrolling through, "who should I respond to first?"

"Hawk was talking about you when we hung out yesterday, said he hadn't seen you since Mr LaRusso told you guys to go home at Miyagi-Do, do him,"



- hey can we like talk? i just wanna know what your deal at the tournament was

- okay i know that sounded harsh but i really just wanna talk to you

- are you alive??


sorry i didn't respond, i was super busy -

can we talk about it later? i have work soon -

- holy shit i thought maybe you died or something

uhhh yeah something like that -

- are you okay? i know how hard you can be on yourself

i'll be fine. always am -

- anytime you say that i know you're

literally about to go crazy but whatever

- talk tomorrow? i could take you to get another tattoo

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now