81 - Drive-In

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I tentatively get out of my car at the back of the Cobra Kai dojo. I waited at the front for about five minutes, then circled back around here. Huh... he's not here either... which means he's probably inside... is he really gonna make me knock on the door? Really? Damn it Robby... with shaking hands, arms, legs, and I don't know why I'm bothering to go down the list, because I'm just shaking from head to toe, I take a deep breath, and knock on the back door. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. This day just keeps getting wilder and wilder. I confronted Nate and Bert about Kenny, I asked Mr LaRusso about Silver, I worked my ass off at training which gained compliments from Mr Lawrence and Mr LaRusso, Sam, Tory, and her mom saw me dressed as a mermaid while singing a song, Sam pushed my buttons a little, I help get glitter thrown on her, a really nice lady gave me fifty dollars and offered me a job, I put my creepy boss in a wrist lock, Miguel and Mr LaRusso saw me in a blue mermaid tail, purple seashell bra, and a blue wig with a flower crown, I quit, Tory and I had a conversation that was actually really civil and kind of nice, I told Abuelita about the job and she was over the moon, I got ready to come here, and now here I am, freaking out about knocking on the back door of the Cobra Kai dojo. I have my kubotan- the one from Robby, obviously- in my pocket, ready to use it should things go really south.

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing a man I've never seen before. Tall, with silver hair pulled back in a ponytail. My heart drops. Mierda.

"Can I help you?" he asks, and though he doesn't sound upset or anything, my head starts to spin with fear.

"I- I was just- I was coming to get Robby to go somewhere- I'm sorry, I- um- mierda- sorry-"

"Don't worry about it. He's on the mat doing some training. Come on in, I'll get him for you. What's your name?" he asks as he lets me through the door. I do a quick survey of the back room, checking to see if anybody else is here. This is so weird. I feel trapped. Is this a trap?

"Parker Reyes," I respond a little hesitantly. Does he know who I am? How would he know who I am? Unless Robby or Kenny told him?

"Terry Silver. Nice to meet you, Parker," he says back. My heart drops again. Shit. This is the guy Mr LaRusso was asking me to get information on. This is 'Sensei Silver'... ¡ay caramba!

"Nice to meet you too," I say to be polite, even though I feel like I'm on the corkscrew section of a roller coaster.

"Mr Keene!" Silver calls, "there's somebody here for you!"

A few moments later, Robby comes jogging into the back room, Kreese behind him. As soon as his eyes meet mine, his demeanor and expression soften into a smile, until he seems to realize where we currently stand.

"Hello Miss Reyes. Long time no see," Kreese says. My posture stiffens and my expression hardens.

"Indeed," I say back, voice right. Robby crosses over to me, standing by my side.

"Kreese, you know Parker, and Sensei Silver, this is my girlfriend, Parker Reyes. Best fighter in the valley," he says, grinning over at me. Okay, so apparently they get to know now, that's cool, that's cool, as long as they don't snitch to Mr LaRusso. It's weird that some of the first people to know aren't my good friends and people I actually like, but Cobra Kais. First Kenny, then Tory, and now Kreese and Silver? Silver raises his eyebrows.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now