69- Día del Dolor

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A/N- the title means "day of pain" in Spanish. This is the house fight, so prepare yourselves for that, alright? :)

This plan is crazy. I don't particularly like it. But it has to work. It has to.

From the tournament arena, I went to the LaRusso's house to work some details out with Sam and make sure that we were on the same page about what we were gonna do. The rest of Miyagi-Do joined us about a half hour later. After a little while, I slipped away, drove back to my apartment complex to pick up Miguel, and now we're back at the LaRusso's house in the driveway. Another car pulls up next to mine and a group of former Cobra Kais- apparently they're now called Eagle Fang? I lovingly told Miguel it was strange. Even he agreed- get out. They wear smiles as they see Miguel, but said smiles are quickly wiped off of their faces as their eyes fall on me.

"What is this?" one of them asks, gesturing to me with a disgust on his face and in his voice. Rude. Ay Dios mío, this might end up being a lot harder than we thought...

"Don't talk about her like that, dude," Miguel defends, keeping his voice low and serious, sincere, but I catch it. He then turns to address the group of them.

"You all know Parker Reyes, right?"

I know them all plenty well. I steal a glance at the one that first asked what was going on. I'm not sure what his name is, but I do know that we fought at the mall fight, the fight after the car wash, and the fight at the laser tag arena.

"That's one way to put it," the guy I was referring to mutters. If we weren't trying to team up, I would think about fighting him.

"Dude," Miguel says back with a pointed tone that almost sounds borrowed from his mother. I almost smile at it.

"She's beat us up more than once," the guy says, "we've met."

"You say 'beat us up' like I'm the one who started the fights," I respond, finally speaking up.

"You guys started the fight at the arcade,"

"I showed up late to protect my friends. I don't start fights," I say, "I just finish them."

It's mostly true. I try not to start shit if I can avoid it, but if someone is hurting somebody that I care about, then I'll end the fight. The only time I started something physical was when I kicked Kyler in the face, but he had been pushing Eli and I around a little and saying really awful stuff about both of us, and it got to a point where I wasn't having it. In the mall fight, they made the first move. At the car wash, they hurt Nathaniel first. At the arcade, I showed up mid-fight when they were already clearly beating up on my friends.

"Parker will do anything for her friends. She was there for me the entire time I was recovering. Nobody else besides my family and Sensei were there for me like she was. She's on our side," Miguel says, smiling over at me. I guess I am. I have to be. Because if all goes according to plan, we'll all be on the same side. Surprisingly, they all nod, and one even smiles at me. I return the nod, then we all head for the door. My heart pounds, and it takes everything in my power to keep my breathing steady and also hide the limp in my left leg. Despite my efforts, Miguel still looks over at me, seeming concerned. Ay de mí...

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