83 - One Thing After Another

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Ay bendito, they did not  go easy on us today, especially not on me and my dance partner. It was all dips and drops and spins and tension movements, and my back is awful, so none of it felt good at all. Is it a little weird to be one of the leads in a show that centers around a relationship between my character and a guy character now that Robby and I are dating? Yeah, but it's not like we're in love or anything. We're playing characters. That's just how it is.

"Hey Parker!" somebody calls as I walk out of the choir room. I jump. Who- oh, it's Eli. He pushes off the wall, joining me as we walk.

"Eli? Were you waiting here for me?" I ask. His ears go a little red.


"You're a horrible liar,"

"Okay, I was. I wanted to talk to you, but you walk so fast through the hallways so I can never catch you,"

"Fair point," I say, giving a tilted nod in agreement, "so... what's up?"

He steers us into a less crowed part of the hallway so we don't interrupt the flow of traffic, then doesn't make eye contact with me.

"I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna- I don't know- hang out sometime soon," he asks. I smile. That sounds nice. We haven't really gotten a chance to just... hang out since he apologized for everything. Maybe it's because the wounds are still healing. It's more likely that it's just because I'm always so busy. Still. We had a chance to catch up while I was getting my tattoo, because it took what felt like forever, and talking helped distract me from the pain, but it would be nice to hang out like we used to. I kind of miss the board game sessions or binge watching of movies and t.v. shows or just talking on the beach.

"I'd like that, yeah. Just like old times, right?" I say, smile widening. Suddenly, his demeanor seems to... shift. His smile fades, and his eyes don't quite meet mine, even as I try to make eye contact for once. Is everything okay? Was that the wrong thing to say? Dios mío.. did I just mess up horribly after we finally got back on good terms? Oh no... no no no, please tell me that's not the case... I'm scared, what if I did mess things up? What if-

"Actually I was thinking like- I don't know- like... different..." he trails off. It hits me full force in the face exactly what he means. Oh. Damn it... Robby was right... damn you, Eli, why are you doing this to me? My whole body goes red hot. I thought he didn't like me anymore... I felt so sure... then again, I didn't realize that Robby actually liked me the entire time we were just friends, so maybe my judgement of romantic feelings is not a good thing to base things off of. He's usually not this nervous these days... if he was gonna ask me out, I thought it would be more direct. I guess a part of me just grew used to the way we interacted for months, where he would almost straight up say he wanted to make out with me, because this is the way he acted when we were first friends. I feel awful... I don't feel the same way, and I'm with Robby...

"I- I... I'm so sorry, I- I don't feel the same way... please don't get me wrong! I'm so glad we're becoming friends again, and I want to keep getting closer, like we were before I messed everything up... but I just- I just- it's nothing against you! I promise- I swear on karate that it's nothing against you.. I just- I have- I'm talking- I'm seeing someone, okay?! And I don't want to get into it, but I- ay Dios mío, I'm so sorry..." I say, my voice growing quieter and quieter the more I say. Everything I said was too fast. My heart rate is similar.

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