34- Winding Down

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"It's not like I don't think they can change. I've seen plenty of crazy transformations on t.v. and everything, but I just don't want to jump head first into a sea full of sharks- or snakes, I guess," Demetri says over the phone. Sam and Robby are playing war in the living room and Demetri wanted to talk so now I'm doing a pattern while on the phone, because everyone knows you can't just sit still while talking on the phone with someone.

"Yeah... I trust Mr LaRusso. If he trusts them, then I trust his judgment. I think it'll just take a little time for us to warm to each other... cool down the tensions and everything," I say back, switching the phone from hand to hand as I go through the movements.

"We'd need a really big freezer for that," he says, "sorry again for elbowing you in the back."

"It's alright," I say, throwing a jump kick, "it wasn't your fault."

"I'm glad there are no hard feelings. Hey are you working out or something?" He asks. I laugh a little, continuing to move through the form.

"I'm just practicing a pattern," I say.

"A pattern? You're already so good at them, why practice?"

"You can always practice more, but I have a tournament coming up and I need it to be as perfect as I can get it,"

"If you're competing in patterns then you don't have to worry about anything. You practically taught me all of the one we do at Miyagi-Do," he says.

"Thanks Demetri," I say, laughing a little, "I should get going. I missed work today so I promised Mrs LaRusso I'd help make dinner. I'll see you at training tomorrow."

With that, I hang up the phone, finish the pattern, then head out to the kitchen to help Mrs LaRusso.

"Who's winning?" I ask, peering over Robby's shoulder. He jumps. Oh no, my bad.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, Park. And it's definitely me," he says, laughter in his tone.

"Oh whatever, you have like two cards," Sam laughs back.

"I have seven, for your information,"

We all laugh. Who knows? He could make a comeback.

"I'm rooting for you Keene- sorry Sam. Let me know who wins at dinner," I say, patting him on the back as I start to walk off.

"Why don't you stay? Watch me win?" Sam asks, grinning. She's so sweet.

"I would, but I missed work today and I promised your mom I'd help her make dinner," I say. I feel so awful for missing work. I just got so caught up with cleaning up the dojo and then having my Weekly Mental Breakdown... I called as soon as I got to my car. She assured me that it was okay, but I never miss work without calling first.

"I keep forgetting you work there," she says. Most do. I'm usually so all over the place that it kind of blends together. It's a little strange that I'm still out doing everything that I used to do before... everything that happened with my dad, because such a schedule was made to keep me busy so I wouldn't have to be at my house, so I'm not here too often during the day on weekdays.

"I'm all over the place so.. I get it. I better get going. I wish you luck Robby," I say, and on that note, I start for the kitchen once again.

"Parker wait!" Sam calls after me, "can I talk to you about something?"

"Uhh yeah, sure," I respond. As long as it's fairly quick. She stands up, walking over to where I stand.

"What's up?" I ask. I'm a little concerned. Did I do something? Oh lord, please tell me I didn't. I desperately rack my brain for anything I could've possibly done to offend her.

"The other night... Robby and I were sitting there by the fire, toasting marshmallows, and... we almost kissed.." Sam says, keeping her voice low. Oh thank goodness, I didn't do anything.

"¡Ave María! No way! What happened? Why just almost?" I ask, feigning shock. I already know what happened, but I'd love to hear Sam's side of the story.

"He stopped at the last second.. he said he didn't want mess up what he has here. I guess l can't blame him... I know his life was really hard before he moved in with us. I just wish my dad wouldn't make such a big deal about it if we got together," she says, the whisper of a sigh in her voice. I feel bad for them because I know exactly how Mr LaRusso would react... I know Sam hasn't had the best luck with guys and Robby just hasn't had the best luck in general. They both deserve to have the good of having each other without someone convincing them it's a bad idea.

"I'm sorry that the cards have been dealt the way they were... maybe if you talk to your dad at the right time he'll understand? I know he wants what's best for you and I know he wants you to be happy. He cares about you and Robby. You'll all figure it out. I'd say.. if you really like him, you'll hold out. You guys both deserve something good. In the meantime... I guess just keep wearing cute outfits to training?" I say. I hope that helped. And I'm glad she told me too. It makes me feel... wanted, in a way. Like even if and when they do get together, I won't just be their pathetic third wheel. She grins up at me, then pulls me into a hug. Ah! Okay, this is what's happening!

"Thanks Parker. I'm glad I have someone like you to tell all this stuff," she says. Awe...

"I'm always happy to listen. I know Robby and I are close so if you ever want me to take a step back, please, let me know," I reply. I don't mind giving them space, but I'm afraid that if I step back, I'll step back too far... I don't want what happened with Eli to happen here...

"You don't have to do that, it's okay. I know I don't have to worry about you," she says. I- okay I mean yeah that's good I guess but still gives me very much '¿qué?' vibes. I laugh a little.

"Thanks again,"

"Hey, anytime," with that, I finally make my way to the kitchen to help Mrs LaRusso.

"Hey Parker, how did everything go at the dojo?" She asks. My heart pangs.

"It went well... I'm really sorry for missing work today. I can work a double tomorrow or wax all the cars in the lot or do the numbers for the trade in lot or-"

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Unless you want to do those things. Everyone's been avoiding them. But right now we're focusing on dinner. What are we making?" She asks. I smile. This should be fun.

"So I was thinking arroz con habichuelas- which is rice and beans- and then these meatballs that my mom always used to make," I say. Oh yeah. I call it the 'Parker Reyes'- half Italian, half Puerto Rican.

"All right! Let's get to work!"


"Hey Parker, when are you next free?" Mr LaRusso asks as I pack up my things.

"Depends on when we get out for practice. I'm pretty much booked on Monday and Tuesday to get in last minute training for the tournament, but tomorrow I don't think I'm doing anything," I reply, "why?"

"I just have an idea to help you with something through training," he says, "you still have that headband I gave you?"

"Yeah, of course? So training tomorrow?"

"Yep. 10 o'clock, bring the headband and some water," he says, and with that, he walks off with a huge grin on his face. Well... that was weird.

• • •

A/N: this chapter was mainly to show Parker bonding a little w/ the people around her :) stay safe and take care of yourselves

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now