32- Almost

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-What you said at the dojo...

-Did you practice or something?

Because you're really good at making

words hurt

I didn't rehearse anything-

Shockingly, I'm kinda pissed-

We all are-

-I'm really sorry about what

happened to your dojo

-I just want you to know that

I had nothing to do with it

-I know you probably won't believe

me, but I'm telling the truth

I know it wasn't you, and I know-

your sensei didn't physically do

anything either

-How do you know?

I could tell by your facial expressions-

and how you held your bodies and

the way you reacted and responded

to what I said




-I didn't know you could yell like that

-U kinda reminded me of when my

sensei yells at us to be quiet

I guess I can be intimidating when I try-

-That's for sure

I gotta go-

See you around/talk to you later?-

And thanks for raising your hand-

back at your dojo... that was cool of you

I put my phone down as Robby walks into our room. He looks worked up. I don't blame him. It'd be really nice to have a bag to hit right now.

"Need something to throw?" I ask. He turns to me.


"Do you need to throw something? You look like you're on your way to kill someone,"

"I definitely want to,"

Want to throw something or want to kill someone? Should I be concerned?

"Yeah, you need to throw something. Here," I say, tossing him Señor Dragón de Karate, "just don't aim for glass or shelves or me."

He looks unsure at first, but after throwing the stuffed dragon at the floor a couple times, he seems a little less tense. That's good. I hate being around people when they're angry... and I figured that throwing something soft would help. It's something I started doing after I punched a hole in my wall after my brothers died. It's that same violent, thrashing, angry action, but less destructive and less painful. He slumps down next to me on the cot.

"Did you talk to my dad?" He asks quietly after a while. I nod.

"What happened?" He follows up. I explain what happened and also tell him about the weird old man, Kreese, as Mr LaRusso referred to him as.

"He called you 'princess'?!"

"Yeah, it was gross,"

"I called you princess... but it's like an inside joke from when we were on FaceTime that one night. I can stop if you want me to,"

"I don't mind when you do it- it's one of our inside jokes. It's not the name itself, it's the way he said it, you know? It's like... it's like.. like he was degrading me in a way. Like I was a small child or like I was stupid just because I'm a girl... and he made a comment about speaking in English when I said something in Spanish... which is odd because his star fighter is Ecuadorian? It was strange. Mr LaRusso said he was trouble," I say, disgust seeping into my voice.

"He sounds like trouble," Robby says, "he just didn't know you could kick his ass."

I laugh a little, shaking my head.

"He was at least two inches taller than I am and he was scary looking. Mr LaRusso said he almost killed your dad after he lost to Mr LaRusso at a tournament. I don't think I could beat him,"

"Not everything at Miyagi-Do is what it seems," he says back, breaking into that stupid contagious grin of his. I smile too, rolling my eyes.

"Are you gonna say that every time I say I wouldn't win a fight?"

"I will until you face the facts Park: you're a good fighter,"

"Maybe so but I'll always be a forms person," I laugh.

"You're unbelievable Reyes,"

"You know it,"

He shakes his head, chuckling. I can't help but grin with him. As his eyes meet my own, I seize the opportunity to really take them in. When he's smiling and grinning like this, his eyes almost seem to sparkle like emeralds. He has beautiful eyes. I tear mine away from his, letting them fall on on my hands, which are just hugging my ankle.

"Can I tell you something?" Robby asks.

"You can tell me anything," I say back. That's one thing I like about our friendship. I know I can trust Robby with anything. He's easy for me to talk to, which is something I've desperately been in need of. I'll always be grateful that we found each other.

"Sam and I almost kissed last night," he says. Woah woah woah, what?! I need details, I have questions, I am shook!

"Almost?! ¡Ay Dios mío! What happened? Is everything okay with you two?" I ask. I'm happy for them taking that step, but I really hope it didn't cause some sort of rift or something, because that is truly and honestly the last thing I need right now.

"I stopped last second... I just... being here with her and Mr LaRusso... and you... there's a lot of bad things that have been going on lately... you guys and.. this... you know how Mr LaRusso is... I can't mess it up," he says. Aww... I feel bad... the two of them deserve each other.. I gently tuck his hair behind his ear.

"You'll get her eventually... you two were made for each other. You'll figure it out. I've got your back no matter what," I say gently.

"Thanks Park," he says, leaning into my hand, "what would I do without you?"

•  • •

A/N: short and sweet :) the next one will be longer, don't worry. In the meantime, stay safe and take care of yourselves

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now