10- All in a Day's Work

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"I don't know Parker... doing physical labor on a hurt knee? It just seems like it has the potential to be counter productive..."

"Please Mr LaRusso, I want to help. And aren't I supposed to be developing that muscle memory?"

"Hold on... stay right there. I have something that might work, if you're up to it," he says, and with that, he sprints off to get something from inside.

"Why so eager to work? You've got a free excuse not to," Robby says. I'm in Miyagi-Do too. I don't want to feel useless.

"Well you've got a crap shoulder and he's not giving you anything about it," I remind him.

"Shoulder is not as bad as a knee," he says, "or maybe you're just the favorite."

"He would not play favorites like that. Besides, I don't want to just sit here and watch you work all day," I say. In reality, I'd like a distraction of the sorts. I can't get what happened on Tuesday out of my head. There was so much... everything that happened with Hawk, two panic attacks, talking directly to the Cobra Kai sensei, making that leap and holding Robby's hand, getting him and Mr LaRusso to not hunt down and jump Hawk, the DM conversation I had with Miguel, Sam implying that Robby might like me- even though I'm like, 91% sure he likes Sam, and getting Sam on the 'I'm gonna murder Hawk' wait list... it's a lot. Sam and I got rained on that night. It was just a light drizzle, and it was nice and sunny yesterday so it dried everything here. It's hot as hell today. Perfect for working all day.

"Alright, I think I can make this work," Me LaRusso says as he walks back out, an unknown substance in hand, "this is something Mr Miyagi used to make for me when I would come home all bruised up. It'll help with some of the pain and work to get you out of that brace and you out of the sling."

Oh sick. The brace definitely helps, but I don't love wearing it.

"That sounds great," Robby replies after glancing at me. Mr LaRusso grins, then presents us with whatever the miracle substance is. Oh my gosh it smells disgusting. What the hell?

"It smells awful," I say, covering my nose.

"Smells bad, but heals good," he says, "that's what Mr Miyagi used to tell me."


I've been painting the house and staining the fence for hours with a cloth soaked in the bad smelling stuff tied around my knee. I'm drenched in sweat. It drips down my arms and forehead and makes my shirt stick to my back and my hair to my face and neck.

"Parker! Why don't you rest your leg and work on sanding those decks over there?" Mr LaRusso calls. Sounds good to me. At least then I can do a different hand motion. Whatever this stuff is is working nicely for my knee. Doesn't hurt as much as it has been for the past few days.

"Will do!" I call back. I wipe off the excess piant on the paintbrush, then set it and the bucket of paint against the house in the shade before turning around. Holy shit, Robby... sweat glistening on his face, determined look in his eye... I bite my lip. I'm gonna do something.

"Hey," I say as I cross over to take the sanders from him. His expression softens as he looks over at me.

"You look hot as hell," I start, helping him to his feet, "I have some water and Gatorade in my bag if you need it, I was just about to go get some."

I look up to see him looking mildly perplexed. ¿Qué? Is he okay?

"What?" I ask, laughing a little. Now that I think about it, I can see how that would sound a little suspicious. That's embarrassing on my part. As if my face wasn't hot enough, it just gets hotter. He shakes his head a little, grinning instead.

"Nothing," he replies. I smile back as the two of us walk over to my bag and I try to keep as much weight as I can off of my left leg. I toss Robby a water and grab one for myself, my phone lighting up with a text as I'm bent down with my bag. Who-

miguel_diaz818 sent you a message

My heart starts beating faster. No no no. Not right now. I can't tear my eyes away from the notification. What do I do?

"Who's that?" Robby asks, joining me at my side. I immediately turn off the phone.

"Nobody," I say, putting on the same manner that I did with Sam on Tuesday night as I slip the phone back in my bag. We all have our issues with Miguel, but Sam's is more personal, and Robby would start asking a whole bunch of questions. Miguel took out his shoulder, and tried to fight him when he showed up to that party with Sam. I get it. I don't really like Miguel either. He targeted my leg again and again, knowing full well that it was already hurt badly, and he hurt Sam. He's been an asshole to me and my only friends, and the only thing that even mildly redeems that at all is the fact that he stood up to Hawk in the cafeteria. It's just best that he doesn't know.

"I hope whoever the guy is, he's treating you right," he says. Who is he, my brother?

"It's just an Instagram DM, probably another video of what happened on Tuesday. I'm not good enough for most guys anyway, that's just how it is," I say, shaking my head, though my tone is light, so my words aren't too heavy.


"I should get back to work. Those decks aren't gonna sand themselves," I say, then start heading over to the decks, "and maybe reapply some sunscreen, okay Pretty boy?"


"Mr LaRusso? I got the decks you wanted me to do done!" I call. I don't really know where he is. The three of us have been all over the place. Waxing cars, painting the house, staining the fence, sanding the floors... Robby and I got in the pond to balance bonsais on a floating deck while Mr LaRusso instructed us from the side. It was actually kinda nice considering the heat, but I do hate having wet underwear. It took a while for them to dry out, but I think I'm good now.

Mr LaRusso and Robby walk into the dojo from the front lot.

"Nice job! How's your knee?" Mr LaRusso asks. It's still hurts, but it doesn't feel like a burden to walk anymore, which is one step closer to safety!

"Still hurts, but that stuff worked great, I think it really helped," I reply.

"Good," he says, smiling, "how's your shoulder, Robby?"

"Same here. Thank goodness for Mr Miyagi," Robby replies as we walk up to the entrance to the backyard. The three of us take in all of our hard work. Woah...

"Yeah," Mr LaRusso says with a slight laugh, putting a hand on each of our shoulders, "thank goodness for Mr Miyagi."

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now