13- Healing Wounds

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My hands are shaking. My legs are shaking. I am shaking. I look like an idiot just standing here... okay, breathe, breathe... I take a deep breath, and knock on the door. Please tell me someone heard it... what if no one is home? What if this is an elaborate set up? My heart pounds harder and harder. What have I done?!

A young looking woman appears in the doorway with a kind smile that widens when she sees me.

"How can I help you?" She asks. Right! Right, okay, I got this.

"I'm Parker Reyes, I'm Miguel's... he told me to meet him here today? I got nervous so I made a bunch of cookies so I thought I'd bring some for you guys.. They're chocolate chip, I uh.. I hope you like them," I say, holding up tupperware container full of cookies so she can see it.

"You're too kind, come in, you can just set them on the counter," she says, leading me inside. Okay but she's really nice. If I get jumped-

Their apartment is pretty standard for this part of town. I don't live very far from here actually- less than five minutes away. The only difference is that I live in a small house rather than an apartment.

"I'm gonna go get the things I need, please, take a seat, I'll be right back," Ms Diaz says, then disappears into the hallway. I set the container down on the counter, making sure all the sides are parallel to the sides of the counter.

"Tu eres la chica a la que Miguel pateó traseros (you're the girl who's ass Miguel kicked)," a little old lady says upon seeing me. ¿Perdóname (pardon me)?

"Sí, soy yo (yes, that's me)," I reply. She looks a little shocked. This is hilarious to me.

"¿Hablas español (you speak Spanish?)?" She asks. I love that she didn't know. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life.

"Sí, mi papa es puertorriqueño (yes, my dad is Puerto Rican)," I say. I lean more heavily towards his side in terms of fluency- though I'm decently fluent in Italian, save some more niche words-, preferred foods, and most other things, and it's definitely influenced me more than my mother's side, as the interjections I use are almost always in Spanish, so yeah. This is great.

"Oh, lo veo ahora (oh, I see it now)," she says. I nod a little with a smile. I like her, this is great. She motions for me to sit down at the table so I do so. I feel like I need to call her 'Abuela' rather than Ms Diaz or anything. She radiates that amazing grandma energy.

"Uhh... hey," someone says. I look up. Oh... it's Miguel. Obviously, this was inevitable, but a part of me still wants to run as fast as I can then break some traffic laws to get away.

"Hey.." I say back. This is awful. The past week and a half has been too confusing. Stop the earth, I'm getting off.

"I didn't know you made cookies Yaya," he says, getting one and taking a bite, "these are delicious, what did you do, is this a new recipe?"

Ha! Yes! Approval!

"Your friend here made them for us," Ms Diaz says as she comes back with a roll of something in hand, "she's very sweet."

Awe... there's something very comforting about having Miguel's mom's approval. Like I have her protection in a way... I don't know. Miguel looks a little shocked. I smile at both of them.

"So how are you feeling with the brace?" Ms Diaz asks, kneeling beside me. Okay, I can do this. I rehearsed things like this.

"It hurts more without the brace, and it was never out of place, but it feels more stable with it, if that makes any sense," I explain. She nods.

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