86 - Pick a Side

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Two All Valley champions... two separate divisions... board breaking, weapons display, but most importantly, kata. This is the best possible thing that could've happened right now! Ave María, this is amazing!

"What does that mean for the bet with Cobra Kai?" Chris asks. That's a good point... what if Cobra Kai wins one and we win the other?

"There's a Grand Champion trophy for whichever dojo wins the most points," Mr LaRusso clarifies. That makes sense. This is amazing, wow. I- wow. Kata! In a karate tournament! Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't do this sooner. Most tae kwon do tournaments are usually like this, what with all of the different divisions. One would think after years of doing this, the All Valley would follow suit.

"All I know is the girls' division is mine," Sam says. Okay... okay... if I said that didn't sting a little, I'd be lying. Who's the one who's had to get her ass out of multiple sticky situations in fights? No, no, things are already weird between us, I'm not making it worse  with thoughts like those. Mr LaRusso smiles at her, but his eyes shift over to me, just for a second. Though he doesn't say anything on the matter, the look screams a thousand words at me.

"That just leaves the skills and the boys," he says, "I'm counting on you guys."

The general consensus amongst the boys is that they are not All Valley Champion material.

"We were better off with Miguel and Hawk," Chris says. He's got a good point... and Eagle Fang doesn't have any girls...

"Or he who shall not be named," Demetri adds, "rhymes with 'Dobby'."

Once again, Mr LaRusso looks over at me, shooting voiceless messages in my direction. How many times is he gonna do that? My face is already hot. And I told him we were better off together, then we split up anyway, now look where we are...

"Look, I know you're missing some of your friends... and of course I wish Robby was here... but it's time to put the past behind us, alright? Don't worry," Mr LaRusso says, "by the time the tournament comes around, you're gonna realize this was the best thing that could've happened. Now take your places. Training starts today."


He worked us fairly hard. We ran through our kata a couple times, did a lot of drill work, and sparred a little. I feel like Miyagi-Do is pretty well off. We have Sam and I for the girls' division, I can- hopefully- take kata, and we can definitely figure out something for board breaking and weapons display. I can see what the boys were talking about when they said we needed someone like Miguel or Hawk or even Robby... but they'll pull through. I believe in them.

Shoot, I've got texts- from either Kenny or Robby and from Miguel... is everything okay?

Pollito (and Robby <3)

-hey it's Robby

-can i talk to you about something?

it doesn't have to be now or anything,

but maybe this evening?

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now