19- Valley Fest

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Mr LaRusso has been trying everything to promote Miyagi-Do with no avail. Two guys came by once but the idea of chores scared them away. They probably didn't have the core values in mind anyway. If Robby and I could do all the chores on a bummed knee and bad shoulder, then they could do it with peak fitness and health.

Now we stand backstage, all dressed in our Miyagi-Do gis, ready to do a routine we just learned for a whole crowd of people. I am: terrified. I feel just like I did at the tournament. My stomach is turning, my heart is pounding, my whole body is shaking, and I'm scared out of my mind.

"For the finale I was thinking I could do some sort of flip kick," Sam says. Ooo.

"Yeah, we've been working on this thing where we do it together. Or I got my vertical side kick down, I could hold that in the back ground, Sam could flip kick in front of me, and then you and Robby could be in the front-"

"Don't worry about the finale- I've got that all under control," Mr LaRusso says. The three of us exchange confused glances. Alright I guess. I'm just glad Mr LaRusso let me wear my black belt. It gives me comfort in my abilities. I'm so scared.

"Hey, are you okay?" Robby asks. I shake my head ever so slightly. I'm scared. What if I freeze? What if I mess up? What if I ruin this whole thing and Mr LaRusso hates me?

"It's gonna be okay, you know this, don't think about them, just think about us,"

"Yeah Parker, you know this kata better than any of us,"

"Thanks guys. I think I'll be okay,"

"Great, because we're on,"

Shit...okay, okay! First place forms girl, first place forms. Forms are my thing.

We walk up on to the stage. Robby is to my right, Sam is to my left, and Mr LaRusso is from and center. I stand on a raised platform in the back as to create balance in the placement of those with a black belt. As we go through the kata, it's just like being on the deck. The crowd doesn't matter. The fact that I'm nervous out of my mind doesn't matter. All that matters is me and Robby and Sam and Mr LaRusso and the kata. I feel almost like I'm in a movie, what with the dramatic lighting.

Mr LaRusso takes a bo staff in hand and we start the second part of the demonstration. Mr LaRusso and Sam go at it loosely with the staff, while Robby and I circle. Robby takes his turn, doing a roll. Rather impressive, I must say. The only problem is that it's now my turn. I walk towards Mr LaRusso with controlled, though terrified steps, looking him right in the eye. I inhale, holding it in. He gives me a small, reassuring nod.

For a second, just a second, I'm not on the stage. I'm not in front of these people, I'm not under these lights. I'm standing at the tae kwon do sparring tournament, prepping to score my final point- the jump turn round kick. I'm stepping to do the horizontal flip through the air in the musical forms division, despite only getting it perfect one time in practice, despite everything in my brain screaming at me to substitute the move with something else. I'm standing across from Miguel, knowing I won't win, but standing to finish the fight anyway.

I exhale. And with the most slight prep I've ever done, I flip horizontally over his strike and him- he ducked, we choreographed this- then land, immediately jumping into a jump turn round kick. Mr LaRusso counters with the bo staff. It hits the soft part of my leg, thank goodness. That was awesome. Ay Dios mío. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. That had such a high probability of going wrong.

Robby, Sam, and I walk off to the side as Mr LaRusso announces the grand finale. I'm rather intrigued. What could be more grand than a collective demonstration of our skills?

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